Home > Here we go again

Here we go again

June 20th, 2006 at 12:28 am

Oh boy went to Dunkin donuts today and was told that my debit card denied so I used a cc. Now I am balancing my check book and guess what I was charged. This is going to be hard to fight because I do not have a receipt for the transaction Frown because there employee told me it declined, it's only $1.81 but still I'll call the bank tomorrow and take it from there but fighting charges at the bank is far worst than the cc companies

3 Responses to “Here we go again”

  1. dmontngrey Says:

    Oh no, not again! Good luck with this one! Can't you use some sort of proof from your CC that you had the same transaction at nearly the same time?

  2. veronak Says:

    Well I am going into the bank today, to see what is needed. Thanks

  3. Joe Wenzel Says:

    If need be, show your bank your credit card statement which should have the same charge $1.81 on it from the same establishment, from the same day. This should be proof that you had to use your credit card since the clerk told you your debit card didn't "work".

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