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Archive for April, 2011

Good day

April 29th, 2011 at 03:14 am

Dad gave me $20 today so $10 went towards my CC balance and the remaining was split among EF, new home fund and personal saving. I am loving the fact that I'm back on track


April 28th, 2011 at 10:51 am

Blogging for me is a way to save money. It's a competition, it's also accountability coupled with some form of embarrassment if I do not save or pay down debt. So just a little thank you to SavingAdvice.
Okay yesterday I bought dinner, cost $30 so I split what was spent on dinner was also spent on saving so as follows: $15 CC, $5 towards EF, $5 towards challenge/home fund and $5 towards my personal spending account. It's funny because I have close to $200 in my personal spending account to do what ever I want and I don't want to touch the money.
I also found $10 in my room so this was split 4 ways as well. $2.50 to EF,CC, challenge/home and personal account.
Tomorrow is payday and CC2 will be paid in full Wink

moving right along

April 27th, 2011 at 01:09 pm

Feeling great, I feel like I'm making progress. Yesterday I paid an extra $100 on CC number 2 and today an extra $14 on CC number 3. Friday is payday so CC 2 with a balance of $500 will be paid in full Smile I'm so excited. Then school is out and I should be reimbursed for my tuition in which CC 3 will be paid off with those funds. I'm also almost at my goal of $1000 for the EF.

Good day

April 25th, 2011 at 03:03 pm

Today was a pretty good day. I received my tax return and so far I paid all the bills coming due in advance. Next Monday is pay day so I'll put the bulk of those funds in the EF.


April 20th, 2011 at 01:44 am

I bought lunch yesterday for $11 so I went to pay the same amount on my Target Visa but unfortunately you're only allowed to make 2 online payments in a week, wow.
So I went ahead and paid $15 on the HSBC cc because I also bought breakfast this morning

On a good note I got my JC Penney CC finally under the credit limit Smile

So my little method appears to be working Smile


April 18th, 2011 at 02:47 am

Busy busy busy, haven't blogged and of course I spent money. However, first I'd like to say dad was very I'll, we thought he may have had prostate cancer but with prayer it seems like we are cancer free Smile he goes back to the doctor after a taking some meds and we will see.

On a different note the BF is really pushing to move, so I bought about $150 worth of household furnishings to get ready for the move, I must admit I'm a little nervous but won't know unless I try.

I have completed my taxes and the refund is about 1200 dollars, do I'm paying off one CC and the rest will go in the EF. Until tomorrow that's it.


April 8th, 2011 at 02:02 am

I am so mad, I spent $18 today on dining out. $3 for breakfast then $15 for lunch all because I didn't hit the grocery store but it won't happen tomorrow. To end on a good note $18 was divided up among accounts for the challenge, $9 on the CC, $4.50 towards house fund and $4.50 for my personal account. I really hope I receive my mileage check tomorrow that would be great

Off to a great starT

April 6th, 2011 at 05:18 pm

I'm really glad I decided to start blogging. Yesterday was a no spend day so I added two dollars to my CC balance. Today I had breakfast at home so $2 was paid on CC. Now I just had my lunch (homemade) $1 was added to Cc and $1 to saving. At this rate I should have my debt lowered a lot


April 5th, 2011 at 01:56 pm

Glad to report I made my own breakfast; therefore, $2 was saved and with that said $1 went towards CC payment and $.50 went towards the house fund while another $.50 went towards my personal spending account Wink you know people may say why do you transfer a buck here fifty cents there why not just save it and pay transfer at the end of the week? because if I did that I would spen the money on something else, plus it gives me a sense that my debt is being paid off more quickly


April 5th, 2011 at 01:09 am

Okay went to Miami with the coworkers and did not spend a dime Smile other than buying breakfast for $2.64 this morning and $3.00 for 2 cokes nothing else was spent. I am so happy I did not spend anything Smile Thank God, i always feel as though I am pressured to buy things.

Oh because i bought breakfast$1.50 went towards CC while $.50 went towards my personal account and $1.00 towards the house fund. Tomorrow I will deposit the money my dad gave me and hopefully I will have my mileage check ($204) in my mailbox tomorrow.


April 4th, 2011 at 03:37 am

First no spend occurrd yesterday, so $4 paid towards the CC, $2 towards the house fund, and $2 towards my personal saving. All in all $8 towards the challenge yesterday. Today a different story, I hit the grocery store and spent $50 Frown but some of the stuff I could have done without. To end the day on a good note, I washed my own hair and styled it. By doing so I was able to save $25 Smile so $15 was paid on the CC and $5 went towards the house fund. The other five went to my personal account. I'm so glad I'm back blogging, it keeps me on track.
On a different note, tomorrow is a staff retreat because we did very well on the audit. We are heading to Miami for the day and I'm having second thoughts because I do not want to spend money I do not have. My plan is to spend only $40 out of my personal account ( money saved for things I want, i.e shopping, pedicures etc) I do not want to spend money on day with my co-workers in Miami. Hopefully, I will not be pressured to buy anything, it's always hard for me to say NO.

I love my dad

April 2nd, 2011 at 11:05 pm

My dad called for me to come over, I almost forgot but went. As I walked in he offered/gave me $100. Wow, just because. My mom would never had done that. Lord knows I need it. I'm not sure if I should put it in the EF or pay towards the CC