Home > $174.05 Electric Bill

$174.05 Electric Bill

August 29th, 2006 at 03:15 am

Darn! my eletric bill this month is $174.05 Frown I just don't get it. I really can't complain to my uncle who leaves his TV on all night and day because my mom gets upset if anyone says anything to him and I can't call the electric company to have them check as why it is so high because it is in my mom's name, and she is old set in her ways and questions nothing. The agreement when I moved back home is that I would pay the water, cable and light bill.. All I can say is darn, I took the money out of my personal account because I wanted to pay the bill before the storm hits in case I am unbale to pay online and payday is not until Thursday, grant it if he deos the payroll

9 Responses to “$174.05 Electric Bill”

  1. yummy64 Says:

    My guess is that the TV isn't the problem. Were you running an airconditioner or any other large appliances?

  2. ima saver Says:

    It cost about 5-10 cents a day to run the tv!

  3. debtfreeme Says:

    are you still having a problem getting paid?

  4. ummabdullah Says:

    Gee thats an expensive bill.. I complain about my measly 70 = 125 gas and electric combined.

  5. ummabdullah Says:

    Gee thats an expensive bill.. I complain about my measly 70 = $125 gas and electric combined.

  6. ummabdullah Says:

    Gee thats an expensive bill.. I complain about my measly 70 = $125 gas and electric combined.

  7. ummabdullah Says:

    Gee thats an expensive bill.. I complain about my measly 70 = $125 gas and electric combined.

  8. LdyFaile Says:

    Hmm. I suppose since your mom doesn't really seem to care this might not be an option, but does your electric company offer equal pay? They take all the electric usage for a year and average it out for the next year that way you pay the same amount and know what it's going to be every month. Then when the next year rolls around they take your actual usage and compare that to what you paid and adjust accordingly. Granted if you have an AC then chances are it's not that different but we don't have an AC and live in a corner, sheltered, apt that stays nice and cool. We don't even run the fan that often. So our electric bill averages out to $65.01 monthly.

  9. veronak Says:

    Yummy, I can't think of anything else. My mom is very conservative and the printer stays on because I have a short but I just don't know. It seems like around this time of the year the electric goes up. To answer Debtfree's question...yes we have problems with our pay on a regualr basis, but he did the payroll right away this time due to Ernesto. Lady, my mom is very conservative when it comes to the electric it's just that she deos't like making waves so to speak ( I guess I did not word it correctly)

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