Home > The Fight continues

The Fight continues

August 8th, 2007 at 10:03 pm

OK I have about had it with BoA. I was told as long as I write "principal" for any extra payments towards my car it would be applied, well guess what? it wasn't. Now I am PO'd I will be on the phone with them as soon as I get home...this BS

4 Responses to “The Fight continues”

  1. Househopeful Says:

    Bank of America seems to have its head up its you-know-what. I've dealt with them before, and all I can say is just be persistant. Ask for a supervisor (who is usually not really a supervisor). Then ask for THEIR supervisor, until you get this worked out. Good Luck!

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Okay, Amber I've sent you referral letters from 3 different survey sites.

    The ones below you can sign up for on your own without a referral:

  3. Amber Says:

    Thanks lucky I really appreciate it Smile

  4. fern Says:

    What a drag. That's the kind of thing that really irks me.

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