Home > $3000 for a party?

$3000 for a party?

November 3rd, 2007 at 04:18 pm

I just had to post this my friend spent $3000 for a birthday party for a 2 year old. Is this crazy or is it just me, I have never heard of such a thing. I wonder what she's going to do at the next one. She had planes trains and cars this is just STUPID

26 Responses to “$3000 for a party?”

  1. miclason Says:

    I'd have thought it was for a wedding....$3K for a 2nd b-day???....what are they going to do when the kid turns 12?...or 16????...

  2. NoExcuseBudget Says:

    $@%^! That's alot of money for a party. It does happen and unfortunately it seems that parties can get really out of control. I'd save the average kids party out here in SoCal is about $300-500. Yes, I think it's crazy! But there are so many ways to throw a great kids party without spending a fortune! I hope she has more money than Donald Trump and that this is just a drop in the bucket... it's hard to NOT imagine how she could have invested that towards the kids education or future needs...

  3. Ima saver Says:

    OMG< I can't believe it!

  4. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    What????!!!! That is definitely not a party for a two year old. It is a party for the older people. No way can you make me believe that a two year old is happier because of such a party. In fact, I'd say there is a good chance that a big party with a lot of distraction and too many people was hard on a new two year old.

  5. JanH Says:

    Oh, wow....

  6. ktmarvels Says:

    That's just crazy! Especially since a 2 year old won't remember it!! DH and I always say that our kids are only getting boxes and packing peanuts until they are 6! (Of course we don't have any kids yet, and I'm sure that will change, but kids these days have too much stuff!!)

  7. HouseHopeful Says:

    Thats insane! They could have had a party for $200.00 and put the rest of the money in an investment account for the child. You know that kid is never going to remember that party.

  8. jodi Says:

    What a waste. We only had family parties at home when our kids were 2. When ds1 turned 3 last year, he had a small (5 kids) party at a (free) playground. We spent about $30 on pizza and ice cream. I made the cake myself. He had a blast - no pressure, just a bunch of kids playing. I bet he had a better time than that 2 year old! He still talks about it every time we go to that playground.

    I have a saying for actions like this (and I find myself saying it a lot, unfortunately): Some people have more money than brains.

  9. boomeyers Says:

    Out to impress people, hunh? Not for the child, but for THEM. Too sad, could be part of a college fund.

  10. Amber Says:

    I can't even imagine spending that much money on a party. We had my nephew forhis birthday one cake and pizza all under $65 and a couple of kids who had a blast. Boomeyers you're right who were they trying to impress

  11. koppur Says:

    that is more a party for her to show off, at 2 years old, her child will NOT remember any of that!

  12. mbkonef Says:

    Sadly, I can say that I have been to at least 2 parties, both for 1 year olds, that surely cost at least double that. The party givers are my husbands insane brother and his wife who do everything over the top. Each was a catered affair with tables set up in their back yard, and each had at least 100 people. There were multiple rented activities - moon bounce, clown, magician, petting zoo, pony ride etc. Wow! They did this for each of their girls, both of whom will obviously have no memory at all of the parties. Think what they could have in their college funds if they had just invested that lump sum at age one. Instead, they are currently living on home equity lines of credit since DH's brother is a builder and business is all but non-existant at the moment. But their life style continues on as if money is still rolling in. Scary is all I can say.

  13. Amber Says:

    I can not beleive that some has actually doubled this amount for a 1 year old party this is crazy. Have you watched those sweet 16 parties on MTV offer a half a million is spent

  14. Caoineag Says:

    Wow, I really just can't imagine that. My wedding reception only cost $1600 and that rented the venue and bought the food for 50 people...I feel so cheap now.

  15. mbkonef Says:

    Amber, sadly it is true. The same brother and sister in law had a wedding that cost over $100,000 and this was 20 years ago. Their invitations alone cost about $20 each and they invited about 400 people. My DH and I got married the same year, had a very nice wedding for over 100 people and probably did not spend much more than they spent on the invitations alone. Really scary is all that I can say.

  16. SkyeBlue Says:

    Since she made a POINT of letting people know how much was spent on this child's birthday party that makes it clear she went all out for HER sake. Sad.

  17. Mulyanto Says:

    Money is not Everything. If a $3000 party makes her daughter and herself happy, then it might be money well spent. If $3000 sitting in a bank account makes YOU happy, then you should probably leave it sitting there. Of course you have to put everything into context. If she has financial problems, she probably shouldn't be spending $3000 dollars on anything.

  18. mom-from-missouri Says:

    Only if my child were terminally ill and I knew I would be the last party...

  19. Amber Says:

    Actualluy Sky her sister spilled the beans. No Mulyanto money isn't every thing but even if you have it why need feed or cloth even give a party for kids who are not as fortunate

  20. Mulyanto Says:

    Amber, well ok. We can all draw our own line at what point we give to charity, and at what point we spend for our own happiness. It's like when a rich dude buys a ferrari because he is a car enthusiast. No-one really needs a ferrari, he could have given his money to unfortunate people to buy several cheap cars or something. We can each do our part by giving to charity, and we can all buy our own happiness. But when you think about it, even you and I are incredibly wealthy and fortunate compared to people in other countries, and I admit it's disgusting that I'm driving a $3000 car to work, pollute the environment and add to global warming while children in africa walk over an hour to go to school or get water from a well. And that's just one thing. That's why I'm hesitant to judge other people on their spending habits. No-one is perfect.

  21. Amber Says:

    I agree no one is perfect. It's just that I think people have forgotten what is feels like to "earn" things and then splurge especially kids.

  22. crazyliblady Says:

    Does your friend realize what she could do with $3000? That's $3000 less that she won't be able to put into a 529 plan for the child's education or buy needed clothing when the current ones wear out. This is really ridiculous. I think only about 4-5 times did we have a legitimate "party" for my birthday. There was probably never more than $100 spent including presents. There is a picture of my one-year birthday where I have cake and frosting all over my face. I don't even remember it and I don't think I would remember it better if my parents had spent a lot of money, either. Your friend should seriously stop being concerned about the Joneses and focus on her and her child's financial future instead.

  23. Frugal Momma Says:

    Now I wonder if she put that $3000 on a credit card or paid cash.

    It is clearly crazy thing to do. I just don't get that. I have spent $200 on a birthday party and it made me sick to my stomach to spend that much money for a child's party.

    Children remember the simple things in life. At 2 years old all they care about is eating cake!

  24. nika Says:

    Is there any indication that she cannot afford this? I did not see that in the original post.

    If she can, and it makes her happy - who are we to say it is a waste? These things are a matter of priority - to some people it is important to dine out, and they don't care what car they drive. Others love to travel and are willing not to own a house to do that. Yet others will spend every free cent "nesting" in their house. Different stuff matters to different people.

    While I would not spend my money in this way, I think I would only judge her if her other financial obligations are not being met.

  25. Frugal Momma Says:

    Nika I do agree we are all judging here. She may have the budget of Paris Hilton for a party. However many of us know people that want to keep up with the Jones for birthday parties.

  26. Amber Says:

    That is definately the case here

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