Home > Darn!!!


December 25th, 2008 at 03:10 am

Darn it I had over drawn on my checking 1 account. I thought I paid the cable bill on a different account so $19.63 was transferred from my EF to cover today's transaction Frown But what is bothering me is that there is no fee being shown and I am sure they'll be charging me and I have no clue what the charge would be to transfer funds
Further more I got off work today at 3 and the gym closed at 4 so I was unable to make it today which annoyed me and they'll be closed tomorrow, so 2 days missed
What a way to end the week

3 Responses to “Darn!!!”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Oops! Maybe they will forgive it because you covered it quickly? My bank does that sometimes. Good luck!

  2. LilMsMissy Says:

    Yeah also if you have never overdrawn your account once the transation occurs they will sometimes waive it. I mad a frivolous mistake by not writing down a gas amount and my account went overdrawn I called in and the rep was happy to waive the fee for me since this was the first time its ever happened.

  3. sicilyyoder Says:

    I did that this past week- paid out of the wrong account. Luckily, I was bale to make a deposit. It gets confusing sometimes, with multiple accounts.

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