Home > I know I should not judge

I know I should not judge

November 20th, 2011 at 10:18 am

Yesterday I handed out turkeys and canned goods and at first I thought, this is great. But unfortunately as time went on by, I found myself getting annoyed and disgusted. There were people coming back in line who had already received their food items, no thank you, clearly folks high on drugs who maybe selling the items for drugs, people complaining about why don't we have this or that, and what was most heartbreaking was seeing the food thrown on the side of the road as I walked to my car. I thought this was suppose to be a humbling experience and yet I left feeling angry.

There were families who clearly lived in the same household who had 3-4 turkeys and boxes of canned goods and yet another family who came in wheel chairs who left with only a turkey. It really sadden me, and I know I shouldn't judge, but why do I feel this way?

3 Responses to “I know I should not judge”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Amber, that does sound frustrating.

    What works for me is to assume the best in others. Perhaps the family picking up more than one dinner was doing so for a family member with extenuating circumstances (single mom with a sick child, etc). Maybe this dinner kept someone on drugs from OD'ing. etc. I try to do this when someone cuts me off in traffic (must have an emergency) or is rude (must have something going on in their life)...

    Your being there serving impacted SO MANY people. For many, the meal may have been their only bright spot this Holiday. Your smile probably made more peoples day than you realize. THANK YOU for volunteering during the Holiday. This has been another tough year for so many people - and it is because of people like you who make time to help others that there are places for people to go, who otherwise may have spent Thanksgiving hungry. THANK YOU!!!

  2. wickedlove1707 Says:

    There are always those out there who do not really appreciate what they are getting, or are trying to be greedy.

    You have to look at it this way. Even though there are those kind of people. There are also those who were not being greedy and you helped them eat for the day.

  3. SicilyYoder Says:

    Integrity is the #1 thing that I taught my kids, and I still try to instill it in them. I believe that what comes around goes around.

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