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Apartment hunting

January 17th, 2012 at 07:54 pm

Okay I looked at some apartments and rent is not cheap. Apartments ranged from $895 to $1100, not including any utilities. The apartment that I really like is a 2/2 for $1190. This will be ready 2/8. BF will be living with me so this will help with the rent, he'll pay $850, I'll pay the difference and the utilities which equals out to what I pay living at home, give or take the extra $250 in rent. But my electric should go down by $100 (mom needs a new a/c unit and she refuse to buy one so I'm stuck with the $200 a month light bill) and the water should go down by $20 plus I think I will save on my cable.

So after the bf gets home tonight we will look over the numbers and decide who will pay what.

It's funny because right now I'm sitting in my car dreading to go inside, I hate coming home.

I notice that my mom placed the electric bill on the counter, but I'm not paying it, I have to move and I'll let her know that the bill came and she will have to pay the light and the water since I am preparing to move. I'm not trying to be spiteful but I really can't afford to drop $100+ on an electric bill right now.

I cannot wait to get out of this place. I must admit I'm scared but I scared before and God made a way for me to live on my own for about 6 years so I know we can do it

6 Responses to “Apartment hunting”

  1. MonkeyMama Says:

    Good Luck. I had missed your last few posts, so wanted to say sorry you are going through all this. May it work out for the best.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Good luck to you too!

  3. CCraw Says:

    I'm glad it is all working out Amber. I'd make sure you would be able to afford it on your own in case something happened with the BF like him having to pay lawyers or more child support etc. I wish you the best of luck!

  4. patientsaver Says:

    Yes, I would urge you to not overextend yourself and make sure whatever place you get is WELL within your means. You don't want to trade the stress of living with parents to the stress of barely getting by.

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Hugs Amber {{{}}}

  6. Alliecat Says:

    I agree with find a place you can afford on your own. Good luck Amber!

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