Home > Bored


December 8th, 2007 at 04:36 pm

This is my first week with out any real studying or writing a paper. I am out of school for holiday break and I am bored. I think I will be one to be in school the rest of my life. I know once I receive my BA I will go on to obtain my masters and then my Phd. I think I will start studying for my accounting class being that this is the 3rd attempt

2 Responses to “Bored”

  1. koppur Says:

    LOL I know the feeling. I get so bored when I am not learning. Even if I can't be in school, I need to find some way to learn on my own (we are BIG fans of the Discovery Channel and the History Channel in this house). Enjoy your break!

  2. HouseHopeful Says:

    I definately know that feeling. I just went from working 65 hour work weeks to working 40. I've always worked more than one job or worked full time plus going to school full time. Any down time just throws me off Smile Sounds like you have a good plan with studying for that Accounting class. Good luck!

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