Home > Surveys


December 23rd, 2008 at 02:40 am

Went through all the surveys I particpate with to see if I had any cash haning around to collect and here it is
Lightspeed $15
Pinecone $21
Surveyspot $7
Surveysavy $3.50
Inboxdollar $28.34 (this was after they charged me a $3 processing fee)
Total $74.84
All in which once received will go to house fund
Oh and I forgot went to the gym so $2 added to the challenge as well as I ate my packed lunch so another $2 added

2 Responses to “Surveys”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    That is great!!

  2. Aleta Says:

    Those survey checks really do add. Even thought it's a few dollars here and there, it does increase the bottom line.

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