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4 hours

March 22nd, 2009 at 12:35 am

I got 4 hours of studying in and still haven't completed one chapter. I can't wait until school is over. I am currently majoring in health administration ( a business degree) and with this degree the way the economy is, any one with a business/finance degree is pretty much having a hard time finding a job. I am considering going back to school in the fall and obtaining my respiratory therapist license. It is a two year program...we'll see

4 Responses to “4 hours ”

  1. oceansluver78 Says:

    Good luck with the job hunt!

  2. MariRDH Says:

    If you can afford to go for a 2 year degree in a health field after you have your Health Admin degree, I think it would be a great idea and really help you to be more employable (if that's a word - grin). Other 2 year degrees you might look into - Medical Sonography, Nuclear Medicine Tech, Nursing, Dental Hygiene (of course I'm partial to this one). I'm thinking you'd be more likely to find an Admin position once you have a year or 2 of time in the trenches, but I could be wrong.

    Best of luck no matter what you decide! Smile

  3. Amber Says:

    You're right marie, after becoming an administrator is tough most places if not all want you with at least 5+ years experience and generally you would start at an entry level position. As long as I do not accumulate any more debt then I can take a 2 year course

  4. Amber Says:

    You're right marie, after becoming an administrator is tough most places if not all want you with at least 5+ years experience and generally you would start at an entry level position. As long as I do not accumulate any more debt then I can take a 2 year course
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