Home > Archive: October, 2020

Archive for October, 2020

Goodbye Saving Advice

October 20th, 2020 at 04:32 am


Hi everyone,

I’ve decided to leave Saving Advice, I’ve been blogging since 2006. It sadden me that this has come to this but the site is not what it use to be. 


There’s too many problems, the inability to post constantly drive me nuts. 


Periodically I’ll stop by to check in; however, I’m giving up the blog on a regular basis. 


I’m sharing my email address, below if anyone wants to stay in contact.



Lastly, I want to say thank you to everyone who has followed my journey, prayed for me and given me the best advice, you all truly are amazing. 



New Site

October 20th, 2020 at 04:22 am

Did we find a new site to use yet?

COVID-19 Stay Safe

October 7th, 2020 at 03:02 am

Lost another friend to COVID. She contracted from a rehab facility that had a high number of cases, well at least that is what is suspected.

This is the fifth person I know to die from this virus. I really wish people would take it seriously. I got a little lax over the weekend but will be more conscious going forward.

Stay safe everyone