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Archive for March, 2013

Oral surgeon

March 28th, 2013 at 01:03 am

Saw the oral surgeon today and was told I had a dry socket, that's what was causing the pain. So he packed it with something and I'm suppose to go back tomorrow. Feeling a little better.

He also told me he may have hit a nerve, that's where the numbness and the feeling of swelling is coming from in my tongue. The good thing is I have some tingling and haven't lost my taste buds so in a few months I should be fine.

Prior to my visit I had already researched the tongue situation and this is very common, the only problem is healing can take anywhere from 6 months to two years.

I've been in so much pain I haven't been keeping up with anything, hope I feel better by the weekend.

Oral surgeon

March 28th, 2013 at 01:03 am

Saw the oral surgeon today and was told I had a dry socket, that's what was causing the pain. So he packed it with something and I'm suppose to go back tomorrow. Feeling a little better.

He also told me he may have hit a nerve, that's where the numbness and the feeling of swelling is coming from in my tongue. The good thing is I have some tingling and haven't lost my taste buds so in a few months I should be fine.

Prior to my visit I had already researched the tongue situation and this is very common, the only problem is healing can take anywhere from 6 months to two years.

I've been in so much pain I haven't been keeping up with anything, hope I feel better by the weekend.

Maybe I should not have

March 24th, 2013 at 09:26 pm

Okay before I start my new job tomorrow I took a week off to have my car repaired and my wisdom tooth extracted.

Now I'm thinking I should have left the tooth alone. It wasn't really bothering but when ever the temperature dropped I felt a slight discomfort. Long story short I'm still in pain and swollen. The pain has decreased someone, no need for a pain pill, but the swelling is driving me crazy. Tomorrow would make one week and I'm scheduled to start work. Ugh! How long should this last?

Calling the oral surgeon tomorrow

Wisdom tooth

March 18th, 2013 at 02:46 pm

Just had my wisdom tooth extracted for $275, thank goodness for Aflac.

I'm not feeling too good but I heard the procedure itself could be very painful, I consider myself lucky.

I start the new job next week, so I am trying to get get things done while I'm off. I'll be dropping my car off to the body shop to be repaired and then the the mechanic to take care of the motor mount issue and then she's all done.

Last day

March 16th, 2013 at 01:33 am

Yay! today was my last day. I start my new position as HR director on the 25th, I am truly excited Smile

Monday, I will have a wisdom tooth extracted and then I will place my car in the shop to be repaired/painted.

2013 has really started off to a great start. Four CC paid off plus a new job and next graduation with my Masters degree.


March 11th, 2013 at 11:32 am

I just paid off CC4, in the amount of $685 Smile

Wish I had the money to pay off two others but I have to purchase a new computer and get my wisdom tooth extracted.

I'm also upset with the BF again, I can't wait to move over the summer. We took a trip and I ended up paying for the entire trip. He was to pay for the rental car ($287) and still since January haven't given me the funds so I have been paying on this additional CC that I had already paid off. I charged the rental on the zero balance card to keep things separate but I guess that didn't work.

In may he wants to go to D.C. but if he wants to go he must purchase my tickets I refuse to get stuck again

Well just a few more months until graduation once that happens I'll be moving


March 10th, 2013 at 08:02 pm

Well tomorrow my tax return is expected to deposited but I'm annoyed because I now need to buy a new computer plus I'm having my wisdom tooth extracted.

I was really hoping to pay off three CCs with that money but now it only looks like one.

I'm glad I have the money to pay cash but I really wanted those CCs paid off

Taxes done!

March 2nd, 2013 at 08:22 pm

I finally completed my taxes, cost me $75, I should have used Turbo tax. Oh well

My tax return came out to a little over $3100 because I claimed head of the household other wards I would be owing.

So I'll be paying off my CC with the money.

I did it

March 2nd, 2013 at 11:22 am

I gave my resignation letter to the CEO yesterday, and he wasted no time accepting it. It was almost like he was saying thank you.

There is a history behind our relationship, lets just say I hired an attorney, questioned his decision and he has been bitter for three years. Unfortunately for him all project managers liked me, not mention I did my job and did it the most efficiently when compared to other coordinators. The funny thing is, is he often asked project managers that I worked with, if I took instructions from them well, all replied yes and he would say to them he just couldn't believe it.

The funny thing is, even as new directors came on board who I had no relationship often asked me what the deal was because he would constantly ask them how I was doing, even though they replied great, but he would never ask about other coordinators. Of course I'd explain the incident, then they would have their " Ah ha moment" and often backed me up on almost 99% of things that arose. Further more, when I would be called to his office fir things that was just out right ridiculous, my project directors would advise me in advance, coach me on my response (teaching me what words to choose).

I laugh to myself because he has allowed his ego to take over his decision making and has lost one of his best coordinators. Facts, I've recruited 75% more volunteers than my colleagues combined, my audits 100%, built a great relationship with community partners and the list goes on.

As my current director has told me, I hate to see you go but it is time for you to move on. That made me feel really good.