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Archive for July, 2014
July 25th, 2014 at 03:00 am
1. Spoke with my aunt today, I met her for the first time two weeks ago. It feels really great getting to know my dad's side of the family
2. This is always on my list, spending time with my dad. As he battles with early stages of dementia for me it's just great having him in my life
3. A wonderful job. I found myself getting a little overwhelm but I took a break and got things back together, all while managing to stay positive
I know I said three things but I wanted to add one more
4. Having my portion of the rent money. It's been about eight months since I've been able to contribute but it feels good to be able to get the ball back rolling with things
Posted in
July 23rd, 2014 at 03:39 am
Happy Tuesday
Well things have been going pretty well, just wanted to bring you all up to speed.
First my cousins, uncles, and aunts; that I never met , all returned home yesterday safely. It was really nice to meet everyone. We're all friends on Facebook , so that's really nice.
Next, dad gave me $50 so I transferred the extra money to my challenge/ house fund account. I'm really seeing a difference with this account
Ugh! I had to swing by my mom's to talk with my sister, who lives with my mom, and she (mom) still isn't talking to me because of an incorrect address on a box I shipped. Smh and I really don't care.
On a different note, today was payday, I couldn't do my 10% EF, 5% IRA and 3% CC but I was able to add $40 to the EF; paid $20 on the CC debt and deposited $20 to my IRA account. How I see it, something is better than nothing.
Lastly, three things that I'm thankful for:
• Roof over my head
• running water
• learning VLookup in excel
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July 18th, 2014 at 03:26 am
Well here are my three things that I'm grateful for:
• running water
• my back pain subsiding
• my dad's long time girlfriend, she really takes care of him
Posted in
July 17th, 2014 at 12:09 am
Great day today. My new manager is attempting to teach me everything benefits so that I can be the next benefits administrator. I'm a little nervous and excited at the same time.
While in grad school benefits/compensation wasn't my favorite subject, even when I was studying for my PHR, I hated it. But when I say for the exam, I did very well, so go figure.
I'm hoping to be with this organization for the next five years, they're growing and I'm learning.
Today was a good day as far as spending goes. I had breakfast at home, packed my lunch, and dinner is made, so I'm add $6 to my challenge/emergency fund.
I almost forgot, my BF who held the fort down while I was unemployed for eight months, had the nerve to ask me to finance a $8,000 lawn mower. My answer was NO!
Lastly, three things that I'm thankful for:
• My friends here on Saving Advice. The support I receive here whether it's on my finances or my personal life means so much to me. I am truly thankful
• My car. Thank God I have reliable transportation without any car payments
• My BF mom is out of her coma and is responding
That's it in a nutshell
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Emergency Fund,
July 17th, 2014 at 12:09 am
Great day today. My new manager is attempting to teach me everything benefits so that I can be the next benefits administrator. I'm a little nervous and excited at the same time.
While in grad school benefits/compensation wasn't my favorite subject, even when I was studying for my PHR, I hated it. But when I say for the exam, I did very well, so go figure.
I'm hoping to be with this organization for the next five years, they're growing and I'm learning.
Today was a good day as far as spending goes. I had breakfast at home, packed my lunch, and dinner is made, so I'm add $6 to my challenge/emergency fund.
I almost forgot, my BF who held the fort down while I was unemployed for eight months, had the nerve to ask me to finance a $8,000 lawn mower. My answer was NO!
Lastly, three things that I'm thankful for:
• My friends here on Saving Advice. The support I receive here whether it's on my finances or my personal life means so much to me. I am truly thankful
• My car. Thank God I have reliable transportation without any car payments
• My BF mom is out of her coma and is responding
That's it in a nutshell
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Emergency Fund,
July 16th, 2014 at 02:50 am
I try my hardest to stay clear of my mother. She always have a way of making me feel like, why was I ever born.
Long story short, last week I stopped by because she wasn't feeling well. I knew I didn't want to be there too long but when I got there she asked me to address some boxes. Honestly I was extremely tired. I just wanted to stop in and go but she had some tasks for me. I addressed the box, did the other task and left. Well today she called yelling and screaming that I wrote the address wrong and that the person who was to receive the items hadn't. I asked if she had double check the boxes, since she was there yelling at the time that I was writing out the address and she tells me no then hangs up. I'm like what the crap.
First of all I got off late, secondly you have a 101 items for me to do when I get there. I'm exhausted plus frustrated. As I'm completing your tasks, you're yelling about something else. And lastly we don't have a good relationship so the only thing on my mind is getting out of there. I'd say I was bound to make a mistake. Ugh. The thing that bothers me most is she only called to tell me what I did wrong and then hangs up.
On a different note I deposited $4 to my $20 challenge because I had breakfast at home and packed my lunch. I also transferred $5 to the EF account because I went to Boston Market and picked up sides for dinner and had a cheese burger after work.
I forgot to add the $2 I saved today for using my coupons, I'll do that tomorrow.
On a different note, here are my three things that I'm thankful for:
• Another day that God has allowed me to see
• being able to push my mother's words and actions about the mailing address off to the side. I almost cried/crumbled but I looked at the positive, she won't ask me to do it again
• getting to bed before 11, whew
Posted in
July 15th, 2014 at 03:59 am
Three things that I'm thankful for today are:
• My health
• God watching over me
• My job
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July 14th, 2014 at 06:02 pm
Went back to Publix and picked up five more Capri Sun ( 10 in each) for 79 cents. They're on sale for $1.79 but Publix has a coupon for $1
Since I saved $5 using my coupons, I transferred this amount to my $20. :-)
I picked up a few more coupons so I'll pick up five more cases of the Capri Sun after work tonight
Posted in
July 14th, 2014 at 04:02 am
Today I've decided to start back couponing, why I stopped ? I don't know.
I asked the BF to bring home his mom's Sunday paper because she never uses the coupons. I also asked my sister to bring her coworkers papers home (they use to save them for me).
So since I'm back couponing, I went to Publix and picked up three boxes of Capri Sun for 79 cents each. Not bad, each box hold 10. Publix has a dollar off coupon in their coupon book. While there I picked up a few of their booklets and tomorrow I plan on picking up about 10 more boxes. Being that I take these to work, they should last until Christmas
On a different note, I wanted to share my three things that I'm thankful for:
• I'm thankful for this blog. Stumbling on this site about 8 years ago has really changed my financial world for the better. Not saying I haven't stumbled but that this site has allowed me to make better financial decisions.
• I'm thankful for the money saved on the Capri Sun
• Thankful for seeing my great nephews and neice today, it was nice seeing them
That's it for me, wishing everyone a great work week
Posted in
July 13th, 2014 at 05:11 am
Three things that I'm thankful for:
• Meeting my dad's brother and sister, as well as my cousins. I'm 40 so this was great
• Spending another joyous day with my dad
• Being happy for a change
Posted in
July 12th, 2014 at 12:57 am
Received my final check from Target and made the following contributions, every little bit counts:
• 10% to EF = $30.68
• 5% to IRA = $16.50
• 3% to CC3= $9.40
I wanted to add the 3% off CC payment to my Target card but Target only allows you to make two payments within 7 days, so I applied the amount to my Bank of America account. I thought this was ridiculous, talk about keeping you in debt.
I also ended up eating lunch with my boss and colleagues. I wasn't too happy about spending the money since I had packed my lunch. One of the girls was fired today, so the HR director decided to take us out to try and smooth things over but I ended up spending $12 for lunch and $5 for a tip so I transferred $17 to my $20 Challenge. Ugh.
In the end that was it for the day as far as spending goes, I hope.
Now for my three things that I'm thankful for:
• A running/paid for vehicle
• Seeing another day
• Not being homeless
Posted in
July 11th, 2014 at 04:32 am
I've decided to add another challenge to my life, and that's staying positive. I can honestly say that looking at the good vs. the bad actually helps train your brain and your attitude.
Since I've started the new job I decided I will not let anything frustrate me. I've decided to stay positive and doing so has really worked. For example, the woman who is training me has raised her voice, snapped at me and became frustrated (literally), when I asked her a question. I just simply smiled, read my positive quote and went on about my day. Normally I would lose it, but I thought, it's just not worth it. She actually reminds me of the old me. Needless to say being positive makes a world of a difference.
So for my challenge, I am suppose to list three things that I'm thankful for, and here they are:
• I'm thankful to be back working
• I'm thankful for meeting my aunt and uncle for the first time
•I'm thankful to be finally working on my attitude, and recognizing that I maybe the problem
Lastly, I deposited $8 to my $20 challenge for 1) making breakfast at home and 2) packing my lunch. Unfortunately after work I headed over to dad's and stop by McDonald's, I ended up spending $3.32 so due to dining out I match this amount and then rounded up to $4 to pay on my CC
That's it in a nutshell
Posted in
July 10th, 2014 at 02:54 am
Added this week's fund to the challenge. I am trying to catch up, so I added $50 for week 50 and $3 for week 3, for a total of $53.00
YTD contributions: $159.00
For the $20.00 I added $12.00; $6.00 for packing lunch and breakfast yesterday and $6 for today. Plus my mom gave me $50.00, I almost fell out my chair when she did that.
YTD: $165.00
That's it in a nutshell
Posted in
July 8th, 2014 at 03:22 am
Blogging keeps me honest. Even though; we don't know each other personally, I feel as though we're family and I owe to you all (and myself) to be honest while staying on too if things.
Now that I'm back working I'm also back to blogging. I really need to stay on top of this if I want financial freedom. I've done it once so I know I can do it again.
With that being said, today I made breakfast at home, so I deposited $2 to the EF. I also packed my lunch, so I added another $2 to the EF. But I ended up purchasing dinner for two for $12, adding $12 to my challenge
All in all I socked away $14 extra dollars
Tomorrow I receive my final check with Target so I should be able to put away about $55
Posted in
Emergency Fund
July 7th, 2014 at 06:14 pm
Yay! I received my first paycheck today, only for one day but I was able to make my deposits/contributions
• 10% to EF - $13.50
• 5% to IRA - $6.07
• 3% to CC4 - $3.46
I really want to keep up with this no matter what. How I see it, it's not much in the short- term but in the long run it will be well worth it.
Tomorrow I should be receiving my final check from Target for the few days I worked. I estimate that might be about $300.
Lastly, I'm going to need everyone's help once I sign up for the company's 401k, I'm not sure how to allocate my funds.
Posted in
July 7th, 2014 at 03:21 am
I've decided that no matter what I was going to break down/ allocate funds from my paycheck as follows:
• first 10% EF
• 5% of that balance to IRA
• 3% of that balance to CC debt
For example $300 check
• 10% = $30 to EF leaving a balance of $270
• 5% of $270 = $13.50 to IRA leaving a balance of $256.50
• 3% of $256.50 = $7.69 to be paid on CC debt leaving a balance of $248.80 in checking.
So I'm sure you get my drift , I just thought this will be a much easier way for me to save while living, I think, below my means
In the end, I challenge my self to save the above listed percentages.
I'll have to see how things go
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July 7th, 2014 at 02:44 am
Well I just changed my nail polish. Normally this would cost me about $23 including tip so I am adding this amount to my $20.00
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July 6th, 2014 at 10:49 pm
As you all know I was unemployed for quite some time, but I'm back to work and am extremely happy. I have vowed, not to take work home(e.g emails, voicemails), always smile no matter what, stay positive, and to do the best I can.
I think if I stick with this frame of thought, work will be fun, and I won't become anxious or consumed with things that only brings me anxiety.
I've decorated my workspace so that it is fun and positive. I hung some amazing qoutes, purchased a daily devotional/stay positive calendar, a pink lamp and scissors, and I made polka dot letter trays. I think, if my work environment appears to be fun, then work should be fun. In the past I never decorated my workspace because I always went in with the thought of, if I got fired. But for some reason, I feel at home in my new job, and I feel like I will be there for awhile, so why not make it my own.
Now for the 52 week challenge. Since I was out of work for awhile, I was unable to contribute to my challenges, so I'm trying hard to catch up. And to do this I started backwards with the 52 week challenge.
This week I'm on week 51 so I deposited $51 to my saving. I'm also going to work this thing starting from week 1. Therefore I added $2 since I'm on week two
Total deposited for week 2/51: $53
YTD $106
Not too bad
Posted in
July 5th, 2014 at 08:05 am
Hope everyone had a great fourth.
I can say I had a wonderful fourth until we were leaving the fire work display and some idiot decides to set off fireworks into a crowd and guess who got hit with one. Me, ugh.
I couldn't hear for about 2-5 seconds, that was the longest few seconds ever, not to mention I also had particles in my eyes. Ugh!
Made it home and was dizzy as heck, my equilibrium was thrown off. Only good thing was we live close, so I made it home safely very quickly, I didn't have any burns, and it could have been much worst.
All in all that was my fourth.
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July 3rd, 2014 at 02:13 am
I have been unemployed for the last 8 months and now I can't believe that I have been offered employment by at least three companies in the last week. I have already accepted a position with a dental practice and for some reason I really like it there and thing that that is where I belong, so I am staying. Even though there is a possibility to make a lot more elsewhere, I just feel like this company is where I need to be so I am staying.
On a different note, my brother gave me an extra $20.00 so I added this to my challenge bring my YTD to $80.00 just in the last week, since I have started things back up. I am super excited to be saving finally again.
That's it in a nutshell
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