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Archive for August, 2006
August 31st, 2006 at 09:44 pm
Well I used my cupouns for free undies at Victoria Secrets and saved $15.00 so rather than adding to the challenge I am paying the money saved towards the high interest CC
New Balance:$1221.96
Total over all CC:$1814.24
Posted in
August 30th, 2006 at 11:28 pm
Well my goal for September is to pay off the high interest CC (33%)Right now this is the only thing I am focusing on. The current balance is $1236.96; I will get two checks for September and I hoping atleast $600.00 each payperiod will go paying this debt off quickly.
Posted in
August 30th, 2006 at 02:10 am
Ok it is the end of the month for me so I have to tally up all my spending and savings. We did get our pay stubs today, my check won't be deposited until Thursday but I prepaid everything online for Friday's date 9even bills due next month) to be on the safe side. I am just looking at transactions that are important to me so here we go:
Total wages for the month before taxes $3626.27 and after taxes $3326.65 (?) this is what my MS Money shows
This month and last Month
Gas: $136.65, $121.05
home Exp: $894.49 , $188.98
Tithes: $60.00, $21.00
Clothing: 00.00 , $9.50
Dining Out: 36.07 , $43.81
Education: $874.48 , $00.00
Gifts: $11.35 , $33.10
Groceries: $192.29, $207.31
Healthcare: $129.98 , $221.65
Cleaning Sup: $25.60, $.87
Misc: 22.05 , $45.49
Personsl: $35.60 , $43.36
Leisure: $4.75 , $8.24
Hurricane Sup:00.00 , $9.88
CC debt: $1324.21
total savings$450.00
Posted in
August 30th, 2006 at 01:22 am
I just paid another $100.00 on my high interest Cc and notice I had a credit of $6.15, I am not sure why. I did sipute a charge of $5.99 which was a duplicate but $6.15 I have no idea. I'll give them a call.
High interest CC New balance: $1236.96
Total CC balance:$1829.24
Posted in
August 29th, 2006 at 04:15 am
Darn! my eletric bill this month is $174.05 I just don't get it. I really can't complain to my uncle who leaves his TV on all night and day because my mom gets upset if anyone says anything to him and I can't call the electric company to have them check as why it is so high because it is in my mom's name, and she is old set in her ways and questions nothing. The agreement when I moved back home is that I would pay the water, cable and light bill.. All I can say is darn, I took the money out of my personal account because I wanted to pay the bill before the storm hits in case I am unbale to pay online and payday is not until Thursday, grant it if he deos the payroll
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August 29th, 2006 at 03:35 am
My nephew married his HS sweet heart on Friday and did not tell anyone until yesterday. I like her but my mom is upset, I have no idea why I think it's because she has a kid already but who knows. She is a nice girl very ambitious studying to be a nurse. I am happy for them
Posted in
August 29th, 2006 at 03:32 am
Welll I am happy I did not spend a cpin today but I am sure I will tomorrow I have to pick a few things for the storm, not much because I have been stocking up.
Posted in
August 29th, 2006 at 03:30 am
I am not happy that we will experience a storm, but I am happy that ernesto will not be a hurricane when it hit the southeast coas of FL All day I was worried, I still am but am a little relieve better a TS than a hurricane any day
Posted in
August 28th, 2006 at 08:04 pm
Looks like we are going to be in the middle of storm. The stores are a mad house, I am so glad I started early. However, I need to get gas and ice tonight which I am sure will be a nightmare.
Posted in
August 27th, 2006 at 05:51 pm
Ok I am going to try the no spend days again this week, last week I spent money every single day but this week I am determine. unless it is a fixed a expense then I am ging to do with out. Today I did some shopping, misc itmes and groceries so we will see
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August 27th, 2006 at 05:50 pm
As you all know I have a very old car '89 Camry...my previous car was totaled no car payment. Anyway my uncle took it yesterday to his buddy who tuned it up and it is running so nice now,however I still need to get the oil leak and some other leak (can't remeber) fixed. I think I am I just do not want another car payment not while I still have other debts. just thankful I have a decent car, may not be a car that I want but it's a car and payment free
Posted in
August 27th, 2006 at 05:46 pm
Well I cleaned out my checking account (account 10 and paid $18.89 on the high interest CC. I am so happy because for the last few pay periods Ihave not had to touch any money in my EF account so that means I am making progess and Murphy is aware
New Balance:$1343.11
Previous balance:$1362.00
Balance the begining of the month:$2095.28
Overall CC balance:$1950.39
Posted in
August 27th, 2006 at 05:47 am
Today was a really good day, I read some ones blog who was doing the "happy dance" well I am dancing today. I got my credit report from Experian who was to validate a debt, well they were unable to do so and it was deleted so I am dancing Now I am waiting to hear from Equifax and Transunion
Posted in
August 26th, 2006 at 01:54 am
Well I changed my mind about using the extra $200.00 towards the CC, since my car gave a little trouble today my uncle is actually taking a look at it tomoorow and maybe have my cousin's husband who is a mechanic check out the oil leaks so I am holding on to the money rather than paying the CC and then charging in the future. I am trying to stay away from placing anything and I do mean anything on the CC
Posted in
August 25th, 2006 at 11:50 pm
It seems like I am the only person in the world when it comes to getting paid. My part-time job did deposit my check ( I made a change in which account funds should be deposited to ) so I have to pick up this check but the next one should be ok. I hope. I figure since I have $274.00 in my personal account I may add it to the cc depending on my check. we'll see
Posted in
August 25th, 2006 at 10:58 pm
I have a fried who is so stubborn and who refuses to listen she drives me crazy. Today we had an argument because she says her ex will not drive 30 minutes to pick their kid up for visits but yet she won't either. Now she was living locally and decided to relocate because I think she was jealous of his new relationship. So I asked her how can you expect for someone to do something that you yourself refuses to do, I tried to explain to her that one has to lead by example.
Posted in
August 25th, 2006 at 10:53 pm
Well my uncle came and fixed the hose on the car which he said was no good, thank God it only cost $23.00, but he said I had not oil and I know my car is leaking oil so I need to make sure I watch that since I am back in school and doing a lot more driving. But I am happy that it's fix for less than $100.00
Posted in
August 25th, 2006 at 05:46 pm
Well my car finally started with the headaches. I got to work today and freon was leaking, I am thanksful I was at work and not running errans. So I called my uncle hopefully it's something he can take care of...keep your fingers crossed.
Posted in
August 25th, 2006 at 01:47 pm
Well I took the book back that I paid $133.00 for and there was a page torn, I guess because I had it in my book bag, well The book store only gave me $106.00 back and the new book I bought was $80.00 so instead of saving $52.00 I actually only saved $20.00 I guess it could be worst but hey. I have learned my lesson and that is to shop aaround before I buy any textbooks
Posted in
August 24th, 2006 at 03:52 pm
I don't since the new year I have had this thing where I do not want to spend any money. Yesterday I wanted to get a few tnk tops ( I have $274.00 for myself) but I could not bring myself to spend the few dollars am I getting to the point where I am just cheap or frugal. I simply hate spending money, basically on anything...I get so annoyed
Posted in
August 24th, 2006 at 02:52 am
Until the end of the month that is. I was looking at my total spending and I am a little surprise but here we go:
Gas: $107.69 down by $13.36
Car Maintane: $3.19
Cable: $91.74 up $51.74
Electricty: 167.43
Home phone:$41.45
Water & Sewage:$40.39
Charitable donations : $40.00
Dining out: $19.71
Groceries: $169.76
Personal Care:$35.60
Leisure: $3.50
Sales tax;$8.40
Can't wait until the end of teh month to see how I do
Posted in
August 24th, 2006 at 02:41 am
I totally forgot about my challenge this week and spemt money every single day.MOmday $5.99 DnD for the office, Tuesday .70 at the library (late fee)about $9.00 at publix and today needed some things for class tomorrow and gas I guess that doesn't really count. but I am determine to end Thursday/ Friday with a bang (no spending)
Posted in
August 23rd, 2006 at 07:48 pm
I just made another cc payment of $20.46 and now my new total is $1995.12
previous balance $2015.58. Now when I return my textbook of $130+ credit
Posted in
August 22nd, 2006 at 09:41 pm
Today was the first day of class and I don't know I was a little nervous, but I think I will be ok. However, I found out that the book I paid $133.95 for was on sale at amazon for $80.00 I was a little upset but I purchased the book and on Thursday I will return the other. A saving of about $52.00
Posted in
August 21st, 2006 at 10:42 pm
Ok the two MD bills that appear on my credit was not verified by the collection agency by 8/20 It's good for me because now I can write to Equifax asking how was the information verified and inform them that it has been 30 days and the CA has not reponded to my rewuest, and since by law they have 30 days to respond otherwards remove this inquiry. Of course every thing was sent Certified Mail
Posted in
August 21st, 2006 at 10:30 pm
All day I have been trying to pay my weekly $25.00 to the CC company with the high interest rate and their systems is down I would like to get this over with before tomorrow but it looks like it is not going to happen
Posted in
August 19th, 2006 at 03:17 pm
I went to Walmart today and spent a ton on things that were "needed", I am proud of myself because I stuck to the list. Even after my $100.00+ spending, I still have an substantial amount in my accounts to last me until next payday so I am happy. Unfortuanley I had no copuons for the stuff I bought but I did save.
Today's Spending:
Sales tax:$3.05
healthcare (contacts):$47.44
School Supplies: $5.94
I was able to add to the challenge:
$.98 Challenge/Nw home
$.66 Auto account
Posted in
August 18th, 2006 at 11:28 pm
Today was a no spend day so I added a buck to the challenge and the auto account. However, I know tomorrow I will be spending a ton. I have to get a new book bag for school, new contacts, and some personal items.
New totals:
Challenge : $5.85
Car: $9.98
Posted in
August 18th, 2006 at 07:36 pm
This was posted on the Dollar Stretcher and just thoutght I would share. My sister did this to me once, cried how she was behind on the mortage (at the time she stayed in my mom's house ) I lent her the money and she never paid me back. It wasn't until I turned 18 and we moved into the house that my mom told me my sister stayed there for 7 years and paid the very first and only mortage payment
(she was late) Can you believe it 7 years rent free and then she had the nerve to file the taxes:
Lesson Learned
As most of us were told, "never a lender nor a borrower be."
However, I stupidly lent money to someone whom I thought I
knew well and could trust. In fact, I loaned two and a half
thousand dollars, as she told me she was going to lose her
home. Four years later, she has failed to honor that agreement
and I now know for a fact that she does not now nor has she
ever owned the home she professed to be about to lose. And I
found out too late that she does have a severe gambling
problem and a problem with telling the truth. I have offered
to support her in her gambling addiction and was laughed at.
I am so deeply saddened that someone I trusted has turned out
to be a person of such little integrity. So little that she
tried to get me to pay for her brother's funeral when he died
recently in a tragic accident. Some people will do anything to
feed their habit.
Please learn from my lesson, and do not lend money to anyone,
regardless of their circumstances. They are adults who must
take responsibility for their own situation. This has been a
horrible learning experience for me. One that I will never
make again.
Posted in
August 17th, 2006 at 08:13 pm
Finally we got paid I had to add the C-phone and cable bill to cc in order to make one transaction.
So here we go:
paycheck (after taxes)899.29
Deposited the following:
$75.00 EF
$30.00 Misc
$20.00 IRA
$50.00 Personal Acct
Paid the following:
$65.87 Cable
$64.32 C-phone1 (paid in fulls, 1st time in a while)
$270.10 CC1
$20.00 Offering to church
Difference $304.00 in which I added to checking account 1 for any misc bills that may come up, that way I do not have to use the CC or transfer from EF
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