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Archive for January, 2016
February 1st, 2016 at 04:23 am
Last year was a rough year for the BF and I, at one point I was really considering leaving him. But then all of a sudden he stepped up, paying his bills on time and taking care of what needed to be done around the house.
We haven't really done a lot together so I decided to come up with a "Date Night Jar." Basically we both put four stickies each of what we would like to do for a night/day.
For me I chose the following
Dinner - we have a $50 gift card
Drive through movie
Game night at home
Polo match
Not sure what the BF wrote, it's suppose to be a surprise. On Thursday each week will pull a sticky so that we know what we will be doing. I'm excited.
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February 1st, 2016 at 01:50 am
So I decided to make a crockpot chicken and stuffing dinner, found on Pinterest, love that site.
Two large chicken breast - cut into 2
1 can of cream of chicken
1 can of chicken broth
Pepperidge Farm stuffing (half bag)
Place chicken in the crock pot - seasoned with salt, pepper
Add the stuffing
Mix the broth/cream of mushroom - add a little onion and chopped celery
Pour mixture over stuffing
Cook high for four hours
Now I'm just waiting to see how it turns out.

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January 31st, 2016 at 03:50 pm
So the BF wanted to go to the Fair, he was taking his two daughters. I told him I wasn't interested, nor did I have the extra cash, but he insisted, so off we go.
To be honest it was nice but he spent a ton of money in my eyes that could have been used for something else.
2 adult tickets - $30
We had two tickets that my company gave us
2 wrist band for rides $50
$80 for the kids to spend
$30 cartoon photo
$5 lemonade
$10.50 corn on the cob
$10 beer
$30 group photo
$8 candy apple
Plus the to-go food that I didn't get a cost of.
Just seem like a ton of money to me for about 2 hours
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January 30th, 2016 at 10:08 pm
Yep, dad gave me a $100 today and I transferred it to my savings, I'm at $2182.29, can't wait to get paid to hit the $2200 mark.
Also added $9 to the CC, have to stop eating out, this is adding up.
Tomorrow, I plan on making chicken and stuffing in the crockpot.
On our way to the fair, haven't been there in years.
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January 30th, 2016 at 02:51 pm
I know when I blog I stay on track, I hate when things throw me off, when that happens I stop blogging and start spending. Have to stay focus.
With that said, I'm trucking right along. The BF took care of my car's oil change and filled me up. I didn't ask how much he paid, but I estimated about $60 for everything. So I added the $60 to my $20/52 Week challenge. New total $2,082.26. I'm so happy.
Dad and I will be running errands and he usually give me a $100 on the days we do this. Even though I tell him he don't have to he always do. He says he'll rather give it to his kids than other people who will sure enough take it.
I splurged and had McDonalds for breakfast $3.60 so I paid $3.60 on the BoA credit card, I figured if I have extra to eat out then I have money to pay down debt.
Lastly, we are getting our security cameras installed. It saddens me that we are in an age where Big Brother always have to be watching. Awful
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Dining Out,
January 30th, 2016 at 02:42 am
So I'm at the bank and found someone's debit Visa card. For some strange reason I was scared to touch it let alone pick it up. Strange I know, but you never know.
Needless to say, I picked it up and called the bank to let them know I had found it. After our break in, I'm just paranoid about everything.
Tomorrow we get the security cameras put in and I think once those are installed I'll feel a little better.
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January 29th, 2016 at 09:02 pm
Went out to lunch with an colleague and spent $20 so I decided to pay $20 on CC1, how I see it if I can eat out I can pay extra on the CC.
New total $1000
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Dining Out,
January 29th, 2016 at 03:37 am
I've been using the Cash app now for quite sometime, and when ever I refer someone, that person and I get $5 when they use the app. The great thing about it is that it's free and instant, unless you link a credit card, that's 3%. What I love about it is that the person that you're sending or receiving funds from do not have your account info.
So with that my neice sent me cash, for some items I'm selling and I got $5. I added this to my $20/52 week challenge, new total $1,973.26. 😄
Here's my code if you're interested.
Try the Cash app using my code and we’ll each get $5! FGHTDRQ
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January 28th, 2016 at 02:38 am
So I go to dad's and he has a ton of ones for me, $44 worth. Apparently he hates ones and throws them to the side. So today he decided to give them to me, I told him yes, I'll take that, thank you very much.
Added $44 to my $20/52 week challenge, new balance $1,968.26
Friday is payday and I'll be adding week 49 ($49) deposit, and that my dear will put me at $2,000 before February. I'm so excited. I'm hoing to hit 5k by June.
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January 26th, 2016 at 03:14 pm
Last year I became a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. I knew that there were going to be a number of events that I would want to participate in and decided to open a second account, for this purpose. I must say, I am so glad I did this. I was able to save about $300 since December and just recently I had to order somethings. What I'm so proud about is that I paid for those items without feeling stressed, and that it was easy as 123. It's just nice to have the funds available at the ready to do what I need to do.
On the saving side of things, I received $15 from the Cash app for three referrals. I decided to deposit $8 to the house fund and $7 to the new home fund. Since this wasn't money earned, I thought why not use it to pay down debt and beef up the savings.
Yesterday I did not workout so I paid $2 on BoA CC.
That's it for now, I'll check back in shortly.
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January 23rd, 2016 at 07:20 pm
So we had a break in, 80% of my items were stolen and the BF is moping. Now I'm upset that the house was broken into but I'm also thankful that much more wasn't taken or damaged. It's like get over it.
My BF on the other hand has been in the dumps all night and day. He can't sleep, keeps walking up and down the street for the canister that the thief stole that belonged to his dad. I understand that the can belonged to his dad, but I'm just like really? The world is not going to stop now. It was a Heineken can, I'm just thankful that the jerk didn't damage the photos. I'm also thankful that no one was hurt during this break in. I really just want to order another one. The can itself is about $20, and yes I understand that it belonged to your dad, but good grief. I'm missing a $1500 bracelet plus two karat diamond earrings.
I'm sorry I know death is hard, we know it's unavoidable but his dad has been dead four years and we're still dealing with mourning. Next month it's his birthday and I'll have to tip toe around feelings all month.
I'm sorry
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January 23rd, 2016 at 02:47 am
So our home was broken into today. Though I'm thankful that no one was hurt and not much was stolen, it still annoys me.
The day started out here raining cats and dogs, heading to work I had my lunch bag, purse and breakfast in hand. Something said to me, lock gate, in my rush I thought I did but didn't check. That was around 8:07 am.
Around 1:30 the boyfriend called to say, the house was broken into and you need to come home.
Low and behold the glass slider was smashed ($275).
Thank God, all the TVs, tablets, digital camera and computer was still in place. The jerk stole every piece of jewelry I had, four of my watches, and the change I've been putting off cashing in. He stole my BF change, his watch I just bought him for Christmas. What bothers me the most, is that the change that was my BF was in his dad's canister, he just want the canister back since his dad is no longer with us. Fir me, my pandora bracelet is missing. It's five years of collecting charms of our story. Though the bracelet is valued over a $1000 it's sentimental value is worth more.
The jerk cut himself breaking in so the officer has his DNA and the neighbors have him on their surveillance camera. The officer said he knew who he was, so hopefully he'll be arrested.
That was my day in a nutshell
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January 21st, 2016 at 03:16 pm
Though I had said that any extra money received that I Woolf put towards the house, but I find the need to add funds to my CC debt as well.
Last night I received an extra $30 from dad, so I added half to the $20/52 week challenge and the other half to CC1
New totals
Challenge $1906,26
CC1 $1053.00
It's a struggle but I'm trying. Hopefully today will also be my first no spend day if the year and I can add $5.00 to my challenge.
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January 21st, 2016 at 03:25 am
Well today was a day. I decided at 4:30 am that I will forgo Facebook for one week. I realize I spend way too much time surfing, reading and rereading the same posts. I almost went on during work and decided to delete the app.
I couldn't believe that I woke up this morning, grab my phone and the first thing I did was check Facebook. It's sad. I'll say it was tough, not wanting to see what everybody was doing but I got through the day.
Dad ask me to pay a bill for him, he gave me a $100 and told me to keep the change, about $34. I'm struggling with adding this to my challenge, I've done so good thus far adding all extra cash but I realized I have $294 left in my checking to last me until next Friday. Ugh. I'll play it by ear, I guess.
I also came home and made chili for dinner, this is my second time making it and I must say, it was delicious. The first time I made it, used the crockpot and it was so-so. This time, I used Morcormick chili mix, chopped onions, celery, green peeper, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder and the rest of the items for chili. I couldn't believe how good it was, plus there's left overs for tomorrow.
That's it in a nutshell, nothing else to report.
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January 20th, 2016 at 09:32 am
Yesterday dad gave me $100, so I added it my $20/52 week challenge. I thought my balance was 1,791.26, but I was surprised to learn that it was actually $1,891.26. I have my fingers crossed that I will hit my goal of $2000 before February.
I have some change that I need to cash in, I think that's about $80. I've been putting it off because the credit union has moved, normally I would go there and they'll feed the change through a machine. Now with my local bank, I have to roll the coins. I know it's no excuse, I just really don't want to do that .😡
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January 19th, 2016 at 02:31 am
My mom gave me $25 today for my birthday. I almost fell out of my chair, the woman never gives away anything, particularly money.
So rather than spending it, I added to my $20/52 Week Challenge, new balance is 1,751.26.
I read my vision board every day so that I stay on track and I'm blogging to do the same. Our landlord wants to sale this place and she's giving us first dibs so we really need to make sure that our funds are in place. Even if we end up not buying this place, at least have money available for a possible move.
My birthday was yesterday and very low key, usually we're heading out of town but not this year. We had happy hour at the house with friends and that was actually nice.
That's it in a nutshell.
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January 12th, 2016 at 11:31 pm
So dad gave me an extra $40 and I'm adding it to my house/challenge fund.
New total $1,676.26. I'm pretty certain by February I'll hit $2,000.
This weekend I'll be entering in more receipts, I can't wait until this is done. But hey, at least I'm trying.
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January 11th, 2016 at 02:03 am
Trying to stay on track for 2016.
Dad gave me $200 today so I deposit the entire amount I ton my house challenge fund. If I said it once I said it a 1000x so long as I'm blogging, i, on track.
I also, started to enter in receipts that I haven't entered in months, so that I can finalize my 2016 spending and create a new budget. I also cleared out my closet getting rid of four items I also got rid of two items out of the kitchen cabinet that were expired. It's a slow process but I'm trying to finally declutter.
Tomorrow, I'll buy a bin yo house all my Valentine's Day Decorations so that things are easy to find. Next month I'll get one for the St. Patrick Day stuff.
That's it in a nutshell I'll update my sidebar tomorrow.
Posted in
January 3rd, 2016 at 01:40 pm
Happy New Year to my entire SA family, wishing you all a prosperous and healthy 2016.
I started the year off with my first ever vision board. Items still on the list, save money, debt reduction and owning my own home. I need to go back and add blogging, when I don't blog I always get side tracked.
To be honest with you, I'm glad I did this.
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