May 12th, 2013 at 08:19 pm
As you all know so much is happening in August:
- Graduatiom
-$20k pay increase
-Moving out
I am so excited because its a few months away but I do not know how much longer I can deal with the BF.
Every month he is short, I'm sick of walking on egg shells because every Christ thing reminds him of his dad. I'm sorry he lost his dad, but it doesn't mean that I should be tip toeing around feelings every day.
For example today is Mother's Day; I too have a mom (not the best relationship) but I'd like to run by her house and not spend hours at his mom's. Also, ripping the house apart at 11pm at night looking for a pair of shoes that you already have another pair exactly like but refuse to wear because you wore them to your dad's funeral and getting upset because I asked the question why not just wear those is absolutely ridiculous just like burying the $100.
I'm just simply trying to make sure that the CC debt I have is paid off as much as possible and my raise kicks in before I move
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May 9th, 2013 at 10:07 pm
For those of you who wear glasses, I wasn't aware until today but Wal*Mart provides free refills on their brand of lens cleaning.
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May 8th, 2013 at 12:56 pm
Okie dokie, I paid off CC4, CC5 and CC6 today. Yay just a little over $2000.
Unfortunately CC3 that I had paid off in January and the BF used for a rental car (and never gave me the money)I had to pay off again ($228.00) so I did not count this one. I am not going to complain about this because it was a birthday trip I wanted and we agreed I would pay for the hotel and he would pay for the car. However, I ended up paying for everything, oh well you live a learn.
But I am super excited, I have paid off a total of 6 CCs since January and it feels good, not mention I have freed up about an extra $180 a month in minimum payments. The plan is to sock $100 away week to the EF and to pay about $40.00 a week to CC 7 and CC8 hopefully cutting these balances on these cards to half by the end of the year.
Once my raise kicks in, in August I can probably double the amounts saved a week and paid to the CC
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
May 6th, 2013 at 12:32 am
Hi all!
I know I am not blogging as much but just know I haven't charged anything on the CCs.
Even though, I am not blogging I am somewhat hanging in there with my finances.
I am on week 23, of the 52 week challenge, trying to stay ahead. I also made a $5.00 contribution to my IRA. I usually contribute anywhere between $20-35 a week but last week was the first of the month and so many bills are due; however, I wanted to make sure I deposited something vs. nothing.
I am hoping with the extra money, from my most recent raise that I can pay off CC4. My student loan disbursement should be received and if it is what I am thinking of I will pay off CC4, 5 and 6 socking away the remainder to my EF. Starting next month even though I am not schedule to start repayment of my loan until September, after graduation, I will make $25 a week payments to my student loan. I figured that would be about $250 paid on the principal. My employer mention paying off my student loan or a portion of that, so keep your fingers crossed.
Other good news I have managed to sock away $6000 to my EF, I'm hoping to have this up by $2000 in June
In addition, I love my new job. There is just one-person who drives me crazy, but I think he means well, I just have to figure out how to deal with him.
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Emergency Fund,
Reaching Financial Freedom,