September 15th, 2013 at 02:50 pm
Great news, did a little marketing and a gentleman I met with stated he has two small businesses he could refer me to.
Furthermore, I've decided to start my diet again. For every soda I drink, whether it is diet or not, I'm paying $5 on the CC. For every workout on the elliptical $3 is deposited to the $20 challenge and for every day missed $5 to the CC debt.
Also, I received an email that my diploma should be arriving shortly, I'm excited about that.
Well that's it in a nutshell.
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September 7th, 2013 at 03:11 pm
Great day, opened my small business
checking account.
Things seem to be picking up very quickly. I met with another small business company with about 15,000 clients and the owner will be adding my logo and number to all his mailings which is about 500 a week.
Also brought on my trainer who will feature the business in her monthly newsletter. Next month I'll be a judge for the Miss Florida Teen USA and my company will be featured there as well.
I'm super excited.
Please like us on Facebook KHRServices
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September 4th, 2013 at 11:39 am
Paid off CC #5 today, super excited. I can't believe I went from debt to debt free back to debt and now working on becoming debt free again.
On a side note, went by my mom and my sister was there with her grandson, my great nephew. She moved back home. Anyhow I gave my nephew a dollar and my sister says to me, "don't give him any bills only coins because I use the bills given to him." I thought are you kidding me? The kid has a piggy bank, and you're taking the paper money out. I was so disgusted. Reminded me of the time she opened a bank account for us as kids and cleaned it out.
So I hid the piggy bank in my mom's room and told my nephew not to tell his grandma. Poor kid is only three so he might
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