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August 8th, 2023 at 04:08 am
Though eating out appears to be less expensive, in some cases, than eating in, I have managed to eat at home since August has started.
I'm hoping to reduce my food bill this month. I shopped yesterday at Trader Joe's, which is far less than our local grocery store.
Things have gotten so expensive. It's times like these that I really miss my dad, he grew all sorts of fruits and vegetables, I don't have a yard to do so. I think I'm going to look into a raised garden.
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Dining Out
June 19th, 2022 at 04:15 am
Tomorrow is Juneteenth as well as Father's Day. My dad never celebrated the holidays, and I miss him dearly. I would still visit with him on this day, I’d do anything to talk to him again.
I decided to treat my ex-fiance to lunch/brunch. He has had a rough 2022, the poor guy is literally in tears almost daily. Since it was Juneteenth and I also wanted to support Black-owned businesses, I thought, why not brunch/lunch? I can kill two birds with one stone, take him out to get his mind off things, and support a small business owner so it worked out.
He finally realized he needs to get his crap together and that the mother is toxic. I heard him snap at her, sadly rightfully so, something he never did. Even his daughter says the mom is toxic.
In other news, I haven't heard a thing from either of the companies I interviewed with, I have been ghosted, I absolutely hate that. I was hoping to get some idea of my status before my trip and nothing. Not taking any chances, I paid myself for July. Paid my tithes, mortgage, a $100 on the student loan (boy do I wish I could do more), and my internet bill. I hate not being able to throw more at this student loan. Interest will start up again in August, which sucks.
I also applied for another remote-jobs, hopefully, something will come in before August.
Yikes, I forgot. I finished up three articles for $300 in gift cards. I can use this for gas and groceries, hopefully I'll be published this week so that I receive payment.
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Dining Out,
May 11th, 2020 at 02:21 am
Happy Mother’s Day to my SA family 🌸
Hope you all had a fabulous day.
Financial update
Today I paid extra on the credit card 💳, not much but every little bit helps.
I can’t wait to get back to some normalcy so that I can tackle this card aggressively, I’m praying that I can get this paid off by the summer, and then it’s the student loans. But I’ll continue to save until things seem to be a little normal.
Went to Walmart early this morning, the line was wrapped around the building. I’m glad I went because they finally had a limited stock of toilet paper 🧻. I bought two, one for me and the other for my mom. Literally the last time I saw TP was February. When I make my next trip, if they have it, I’ll buy some because you never know and hurricane 🌪 season is approaching.
Tijuana Flats had a free entree for Mother’s Day 🌸 so I took advantage of that for dinner, honestly, I shouldn’t complain but the food, was extremely salty 🧂.
I’m trying to support the local restaurants, during these times, but the food has been terrible. My nephew works at one and they’re relying heavily on some service and tips so I’m trying to do my part but the last three places I visited it’s been awful.
That’s it in a nutshell for me
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Dining Out,
January 3rd, 2020 at 02:53 am
Great day today.
I had the boys and they were pretty good. We made homemade pizza 🍕, and completed a few home work assignments. They opted to watching a cartoon/movie on Netflix. So that was our day.
I ended up not having a spend day. After the boys left, I finished up putting away a few of the Christmas items, straighten up the closet in the spare room, and moved the elliptical in my bedroom. I figured having the elliptical in my bedroom I’d be more likely to use it while watching tv 📺. I cleaned my bathroom, totally forgot to take care of the guest bathroom 🚽, so that’s on my to list this weekend.
I transferred $1 to my cash envelopes ✉️, for not spending any money 💰 today.
Tomorrow it’s back to work. I can say this week that I’ve been off has been AMAZING. I’m fully rested and ready to make 2020 one of the best years ever.
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Dining Out,
January 2nd, 2020 at 03:49 am
January 1st and it was a no spend day for me.
I also marked some things off my list, like weighing in, journaling, walking, drinking more water, reading a little, and dumping four chairs, decluttering.
Because it was a no spend day, I added $1 to my January challenge of no dining out. I also added $1 for this week’s 52 week challenge. All the money saved this month will be added to the snowball.
I had a scratch off and won $2, this will be added for next week’s 52 week challenge.
Tomorrow I have my great nephews, I have a few board games that we can play, we will make pizza at home for lunch. I refuse to spend any money. I did get them zoo passes for Christmas, that might be something we can do, we will see. However; I wish it was a little warmer, I’d take them to the pool.
I’m in south Florida and we don’t have much of a winter, but I can feel the temperature dropping a little. I decided that I will not turn the heat on, unless it drops below 60. I can’t stand the cold. The blankets that I have and PJs should keep me warm. My electric bill is slated to be less than $60 this month, and I’d like to keep it like that.
That’s it for now, hope everyone enjoyed their holiday.
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Dining Out,
November 13th, 2019 at 11:33 pm
Guess what? I may have an opportunity to pick up another consulting gig. It’s a smaller company, and I will be their virtual HR practitioner. Because it’s a smaller company, and I won’t have to go in, I’d charge $200 a month. I pray I get it. That would mean an extra $1,000 a month total.
Other news, I’ve told my sister to stop calling me about things that are on sale, well she called today about QVC’s special value, a Roomba 🙄🤦🏽♀️. I just told her okay and hung up.
I’m so glad that I’m in a better place with my finances.
Today I did dine out, $8.51, I just felt like Mexican food and I was tired of eating the left overs from Sunday. I’ll freeze the rest of the leftovers tonight
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Dining Out
November 2nd, 2019 at 04:12 am
I came home and crashed. The consulting gig wore me out this week. I’ve got to figure out how to manage this or I’ll get discouraged. I sent my invoice off today, they have ten days to pay.
I’ve been using Google’s drive to track the hours worked with them, my mileage and tasks I’ve completed. I also created a shareable folder for the Company in that I will download items.
I decided the first few checks with them I’m going to save. I prayed about this and something keeps telling me to save the money.
When the legal stuff started, I had to literally deplete my savings, and though I’m not back to where I was initially, I’ve managed to bump it up, quite a bit. I’ve decided that extra cash, will go to putting the savings back to the $6,000 (three months of expenses) plus an extra two in case anything legal pops up, so $8k is the cut off. Once I’m there, I can start tackling the CC. I’m still paying extra but for those of you who follow me, my peace of mind means everything, slow and steady wins the race.
I haven’t heard from my attorney so I figure no news is good news. I really feel comfortable with her, and I’m not worried.
Other news, because I’ve been so busy with the consulting job, for two days I ate out. November was suppose to be no spend month 🤦🏽♀️🙄. I’m getting back on track.
Yesterday was pay day, and I always look forward to filling my cash 💰 envelopes ✉️ but I was so tired, I came home and crashed 💤.
SO stopped by to trim my hair and I was too tired to get up. I slept for about four hours. Now it’s midnight and I’m tackling the envelopes ✉️
I did speak with SO after I woke up for a few minutes. I thought when he came in, and spoke it sounded as if he was crying but honestly I was so exhausted I couldn’t move. When we spoke, after I woke up, he told me that when he looks in the mirror he’s disappointed in himself. I shared with him, the good thing is, you have the opportunity to make a change. I’m praying for him. I know he’s capable but fear holds him back. Other good news for him, is that he was so frustrated with the mother, she didn’t pay him again, that he told a client to make the checks payable to him. So there’s hope. I want to say that this woman hasn’t paid him in about two months. She’s actually gotten worst since he and I broke up.
I’m afraid he’s falling into depression
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Dining Out,
January 11th, 2019 at 12:13 pm
Though I’m not a government employee this shut down really has me nervous about what could come.
I’m in a number of financial groups, and other miscellaneous groups on Facebook. I have noticed that those who are effected by the shutdown, are posting that they can’t pay their bills. It’s really sad.
For me, I’ve been payed off twice and thankfully both times I’ve been able to pay my bill. This is the main reason why while on BS2 I add something to my EF, even if it’s $25 each pay day. My dad always said, even if it’s $10 you put something away each pay day and don’t touch it.
I can’t imagine working and not getting paid. But if that happens I want to be able to have some sort of cushion. I honestly think we are heading into a recession.
On a different note, I’ve knocked down CC9 to about $5,900, just waiting on a few payments to post before I update the sidebar. I want this baby gone. I’ve decided to start the 52 Week Challenge backwards and throw the money at CC9 each week.
The SO is still here 🤦🏽♀️🙄. For January he paid everything on time. On December 31st I had a conversation with him. I told him it looks like you don’t plan on moving. Nothing packed. I told him nothing has changed about my feelings and that I wanted him gone.
I told him that I am not going into 2019 trying to run him down for my money to pay the bills. If they’re due on the first, I want it by the 20th and no later than the 25th. I also had the same conversation two days ago. I’m not doing this crap this year. And the minute he misses he has to go. I plan on talking to him again tonight. Because I really need him to know that I’m serious. He’s a nice guy and all but I don’t give two cents that he refuses to stand up to his mother. I have a mortgage now.
Financial news, I paid the mortgage today, early. I added an extra $25. I know why? It makes me more comfortable knowing I paid extra. For me I want to pay the extra $25 every month. High balances on anything makes me nervous.
I also paid CC9 early added extra to that, and socked away funds to my sinking funds.
I got quotes from Progressive, car insurance, I can save about $100 if I switch. I’m going to review/compare my policies and coverage to make sure I’m getting the best bang for my bucks.
This week has been a good week. I haven’t dined out until yesterday. But 6 out of 7 days isn’t bad.
I’ll crunch the numbers, review the budget and see where I am today. I’ll share later.
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Dining Out,
January 5th, 2019 at 08:49 pm
Day 5 and I have not eaten out, I’m so happy. This week I meal planned and pack snacks and lunches all week.
Today I went grocery shopping 🛒 and the cost was about $40.
Tomorrow I start the 52 Week Challenge, my goal is to use this challenge to pay down debt. So tomorrow $52 (starting backwards) will be thrown at CC9.
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Dining Out
December 15th, 2017 at 03:32 am
Not sure what happened this budget period but I only had $11 total left in my cash envelopes. I know I paid extra on CC3 but I thought I accounted for it. I'm not going to worry about it but I will make sure this next period I'm up to date with things.
I did find $5 in my purse, so totally I have $16.
I completed, well revised, the zero based budget for the next period, I have $90 to play with. I budgeted extra on CC3 since CC2 is paid off, plus the BiNGO number ($34), total it's about $60 extra. Another good thing this period, is that I didn't have to use any of the sinking fund to pay for my renewal of my license or registration but I do have the sorority renewal coming due and that ain't cheap so I'm thinking about using the money for that. I know I know sorority, that's a long story I'll share another time.
I used $100 of the sinking/52 week fund to renew my HR certification. So glad I took care of this now vs January, when it's due. I don't know what made me look but I needed to know the cost, I was thinking close to $200. Well I realized that if I'm a member with SHRM, $50 is knocked bringing the total to $100. Well my SHRM membership ends in January and I'm not paying$200 to renew it next year. The ROI isn't worth it. I will however continue the magazine subscription that comes with membership and that's $70. Well worth it.
Had a great phone interview today. I'm getting call backs so I'm happy with that, hopefully the right one will come along.
We went out for lunch $12.59, including tip, plus I bought breakfast this morning $4.51, I ended paying for this because $18 went towards CC3, new total 863.00.
I'm too tired to up my sidebar so I'll take care of it tomorrow
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
Dining Out,
December 2nd, 2017 at 01:10 am
I couldn't wait until Sunday so I pulled next week's debt BINGO number and that number was 20. I applied this amount ($20) to CC3 and got the balance down to $999.26. The goal was to get this debt below $1000 before the end of the year. I'm so excited. My new goal is to be at $500 by the end of December, with a pay off in mind for January. I can't believe that I would have three CCs paid off by the end of January.
I hate I fell off and racked up CC2 the late part of this year but at least I got back on the tracks and am trucking along.
I noticed the SO seems to be really down. I don't push the issue any more about the budget and getting on track. He's paid out this week almost a $1,000 and and I think he is feeling the pinch. Today the rent is due, along with the electric, water and plot. I normally feel bad asking but it is what it is. I need the money to send off the payments. When I get home today, I'm simply going to ask him for the money so I can drop the checks in the mail, not my problem your mother is running a business and not paying you.
Update to this post.
Today was suppose to be a no spend day, the free blue Berry pancakes 🥞 were disgusting so I ended up spending $4.53 at the office cafeteria. Next I had a craving for a soda so that cost me $1.50. I added $6 to CC3 for the wasteful spending, new balance $993.26.
The SO came home with his share of the rent, electric ⚡️ and water 💦 bill. I was actually floored and was tempted to ask how he had pulled it off but opted against it. I ask and then there is a sob story making me feel guilty, I then say don't worry I got it until XYZ ,next thing I know I'm annoyed. I'll pass, give me your money and I'm done. I'll remind him that the plot bill is due (6th).
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
Dining Out,
November 5th, 2017 at 01:14 am
My sorority anniversary is coming up. The girls decided to go to an up scale steak house, so I decided to check out the menu and everything is a la carte.
For me alone dinner, will be close to $60+ and I'm not in the mood to spend that nor can I afford it. Even if I budgeted for it, I'd have to cut something else out, and my budget is already tight. I say to myself what Dave Ramsey says, "live like no one else, so that you can live like no one else."
I'm starting early with the Christmas shopping. I found a men sports coat for $37 for the fiancé at Macy's. I buy him one every year. I have a 30% off coupon for tomorrow, but I budgeted to purchase the coat the next zero balance budget period. I was tempted to order but it's called discipline, I'm sure they'll be more coupons between now and the 15th.
I'll be ordering the $25 myPoints Macy's gift card and providing this to my neice as her Christmas gift.
The boys (nephews) I have no clue what to get them. They're ages are 5, 7, 7 and 13. I haven't bought my mom a gift in about 8 years. The woman is so ungrateful and she always seem to manage to hurt your feelings when you do. I'm considering getting her something but I don't know.
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Dining Out
November 4th, 2017 at 02:42 am
Thanks to DW's tough love I decided not to hit Target up this Sunday. We have enough meat to last this week coming for dinner so no need to go and buy anything. Tomorrow is Saturday so I have nothing planned, I'll create my meal plan based on what I have. Someone mentioned a meatless dinner so I'll be looking for a recipes for at least two nights this week.
I reached out to my insurance company to get basic insurance for my car. It's fairly old but runs really good thank God. I received a quote that will reduce my insurance about $40 a month. I figured I can do this and add this extra savings to my EF (baby step 1) then tackle my debt.
The fiancé wanted to go out to P.F. Chang's after the game tonight. I convinced him not to go. Honestly; I just didn't want to go, I'm tired. When I called to place the take-out order, we were told 30 minutes. He wanted to wait, I said no. First of all for two of us it would have cost at least $60. Secondly, the wait is always long. And lastly the coupon I had for 15% off was for Tuesday, so that's no good. We ended up getting take out for $18 and I made it home to unwind.
As I'm typing this blog I realize there's some household items I'm in need of (e.g. paper towels). I'll have to check prices and coupons.
That's it for me.
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Dining Out,
October 19th, 2017 at 02:21 am
Well my new boss (J) has come to the party, he realized that our old boss (D), is a nut.
He came into our office complaining about her. Smh. It's sad because J is a super great guy, very knowledgeable but once again, D can make you feel little. I'm praying that J stays but something tells me that if D continues on the path that she's on, he'll be gone.
I've been applying for jobs, but honestly, I love what I do and the people I work with, it's just D. She was promoted, not due to her knowledge or lack of, but who she knows. Sad, just sad.
On a financial note, we went out to happy hour/dinner at Bone Fish yesterday. I had the $15.99 meal with a $3.50 drink, total $19.49, plus $5.51 tip. Oops I did not calculate the tax. I was going to treat my colleague but I thought about my envelope and spending the $25 I had already accumulated, it actually annoyed me, so I opted out. Dave Ramsey was right, when money leaves you it hurts.
Today we all went to chili's and I spent another $20, thank goodness for my budget envelopes. Even though I'm within my budget I hate spending money eating out. I told the girls that was it for me.
So I'm updating my spending spread sheet and balancing my accounts. I realize I have $66.68 in my checking account that I have for fun. So I transferred $30.68 to EF, that's for baby step 1. I would have transferred all funds but I like leaving a little something in this account.
Ive signed up again for Dave Ramsey's FPU. I'm really enjoying the class and need that extra support
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Dining Out
October 6th, 2017 at 02:37 am
Things have been a little low key today.
Super busy at the office, one fire after the next. One of the girls offered to take me out for happy hour, she knows that I'm on a strict budget. Even though I budgeted $100 for dining out and entertainment for two weeks, I still said no. I didn't not want to spend my money on eating out. Dave Ramsey is really working on me. My co-worker insisted and stated she would buy so I finally said okay.
Upon arrival to Chili's 🌶 I ordered from the bar menu and ordered fries, a drink and wings, total about $17. I offered to pay for my meal, she insisted that I do not, so I left a $5 tip. I'm things worked out the way they did because I still have $95 to last me until next Friday. 😃
After leaving chili's I filled up my car 🚗, $27. I'm hoping that this last until next Thursday because I only have $20 left in this week's budget for gas ⛽️.
I've completed my zero balance budget for the next pay date. Things will be tight. I have a wedding (gift 🎁), two birthdays (🎁); Halloween 👻(🎁) Boss' Day (🎁) and refill on contacts. Because of all these up coming items that cost money, I had to cut some things short. For example, my dining out/ entertainment and saving contribution amount was decreased 😢.
Since I'm all about saving, I did a little research and found a cosmetology school that provides pedicures for $10 vs the usual $20. I'm going to give them a try.
Lastly, I have a phone inter tomorrow. I love what I do now and the people I work with, but the director of the department makes things extremely difficult.
That's all I have for now.
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Dining Out,
January 21st, 2017 at 02:49 am
So I usually pack my lunch because one, I can't afford to eat out every day, two I like my quiet time to read up on a few HR things and Bible study, three it's expensive to eat out.
So my boss comes and says the team is going out to lunch and she'd like to take me out for my birthday. I declined respectfully and explained that I had already plugged in my crockpot lunchbox. She insists and so does other teammates, so I say okay. We get there order, and the waitress comes and ask if the checks are separate. My boss who was taking me out to lunch says yes.
😡 Now I'm annoyed. First you said you wanted to take me out, second I had already packed my lunch and two we spent our lunch wolfing down our food because you're in a hurry, not to mention she didn't eat any of her food and complained the entire time. Ugh
Lunch was $14 but I added $5 for a tip costing me $19. And because I had not budgeted and any time I do this I pay the same amount on my CC. Ugh. $40 I really didn't want to spend and it was rude.
Twice this week I've been bamboolzed and it won't happen again.
Next time I pack my lunch, I'll be eating my lunch.
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Dining Out,
January 2nd, 2017 at 03:25 am
Happy New Year everyone! 🥂🍾🎆
Today was a little busy for me. Went to church, then off to find a belated Christmas gift for my boss, cleaned my car, meal prep and grocery shopping. I really wanted to get my shopping out of the way so that I could have a no spend day tomorrow but I forgot to get gas.
Church was awesome, it's been a while since I've been the first Sunday of the month, let alone the year. Unfortunately, things are tight so I was only able to make a $20 donation.
From there I headed over to Michael's, I wanted a new planner but just couldn't bring myself to spend over $30 on one. I would have had to purchase the binder, that was $20, the calendar another $5, plus other things I wanted like the meal plan, and fitness items. Just not worth it.
I was going to go to Bed Bath and Beyond but decided to head to the Christian bookstore to get a gift for my aunt ($7). While there, they had a lotion/bath set at half price for $10 so I picked this up for my boss. Not bad. Though I hate gift exchanges we had one at the office, the boss was on vacation so I made out like a bandit by waiting. Oh yeah and I found a lovely planner for $10.
From there I ended up buying a sub, ugh. Cost me about $10 with a drink and chips, needless to say because I ate out, I had to also pay $5 on the CC and add $5 to my savings. I figured, if I had the money to eat out I should have the money to pay down debt and save.
Once home, I created a meal plan for the week. From that I went grocery shopping ($64), I'm hoping to stay focus and keep up with my meal planning.
Lastly, I washed my car myself, costing me about $6, saving me another $6 so I'm adding the $6 saved to debt reduction and savings.
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Dining Out,
January 30th, 2016 at 02:51 pm
I know when I blog I stay on track, I hate when things throw me off, when that happens I stop blogging and start spending. Have to stay focus.
With that said, I'm trucking right along. The BF took care of my car's oil change and filled me up. I didn't ask how much he paid, but I estimated about $60 for everything. So I added the $60 to my $20/52 Week challenge. New total $2,082.26. I'm so happy.
Dad and I will be running errands and he usually give me a $100 on the days we do this. Even though I tell him he don't have to he always do. He says he'll rather give it to his kids than other people who will sure enough take it.
I splurged and had McDonalds for breakfast $3.60 so I paid $3.60 on the BoA credit card, I figured if I have extra to eat out then I have money to pay down debt.
Lastly, we are getting our security cameras installed. It saddens me that we are in an age where Big Brother always have to be watching. Awful
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Dining Out,
January 29th, 2016 at 09:02 pm
Went out to lunch with an colleague and spent $20 so I decided to pay $20 on CC1, how I see it if I can eat out I can pay extra on the CC.
New total $1000
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Dining Out,
February 17th, 2013 at 12:42 pm
Friday was pay day and all my bills were paid and for some reason I found myself with an extra (about)$700. I could not figure out why. But I soon realized, duh you no longer have a car payment, that saves you about $400.
I was so tempted to go shopping, it was like fighting off an addiction. Instead, we went to the museum. I was a little annoyed because I could not find my free entry pass but the clerk gave us both student discounts saving us $14. I'll pay this amount on the CC challenge. I must say the exhibit was really nice.
Also I had a $25 gift card to Brewzzi's so we went there for dinner. Needless to say we won't be going back. Dinner came to $68. We had a side salad, burger, fries, and cocktail. I thought that was way too much. Looking at the menu the food wasn't expensive but they killed us on the drinks, something I didn't catch. All in all it cost me about 47.00 with a tip. I look at it this way we had a nice time out for about $60 something we hardly do and I didn't blow the $400+ on shopping.
Next I went to my dad's who gave me $50, for no reason. He does that from time to time. So I guess you can say I made out like a bandit.
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Dining Out
January 8th, 2012 at 10:04 pm
Friday night I was drained , I hit Wal*Mart up for a few personal items, came home and crashed. Yesterday, I went to the dentist spent $100, which I will get back from my FSA, got 1 set motor mounts installed ($25.00), cleaned my pool, and then date night with th BF to the Improv, which was a disaster.
Regarding the Improv, I personally did not want to go but I must admit that it was a nice outing at first . There were three couples, usually when I go out with other couples the bill is split amongst the couples. Well the bill came and I made the comment to my BF to simply split the bill, long story short he was upset because the bill was $191 and he paid $80 which was more than the three way split. But what frustrated me was he was trying to blame me. Huh? First of all I did not want to go. Second of all if you didn't want to split the bill you ask for a seperate bill, secondly if you had split it three ways it would have been $63 or you could have simply paid for us which came to about $50 with tip. If you can't open your mouth then I feel like you wanted to spend the $80. His reasoning for spending the $80, well his cousin gave $80 so he did which left the couple who ate the most with a $31 bill and if I'm not mistaken their bill was about $80+
Moving a long, just needed to vent. Today I went to spin class which was awesome! I bought a gel seat for the bike and felt so much better, I cleaned my room which was a must, washed and colored my hair ($35 saved) and now I'm getting ready to fill my car up and vacuum the inside. That will be it for me.
Wednesday we leave for our trip to Alabama and I made it clear I'll pay for the room, BF will pay for the rental car.
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Dining Out,
January 5th, 2012 at 04:06 pm
Wow now I understand what a championship fight feels like. I am on my way to a TKO. Just paid $200 on CC1 and the balance is now about $250. I think by time I get paid again it will be paid off, or knocked out. Lol
I can't believe it's not quite a week yet, and I've knocked off about $300 plus what ever interest I would have paid on this CC. I am really feeling great.
On a different note, I've been using my crockpots and dinner has been delicious not to mention cost effective. So far I have added 12$ to my challenge/EF. Brining my total saving close to $1100
Things are looking great. Now I am just hoping I receive my GC from BCBS before my trip next week.
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Dining Out,
December 4th, 2011 at 06:54 pm
I fell off the wagon, about $65 in dinging out this weekend.
$43 for dinner with cousin and BF
$12 for breakfast and dinner today
$6 for breakfast yesterday
The bad news is the $43 and $6 came out of my leisure fund so I have cleaned that out for the month but on a positive note I had the money.
$12 was not in the budget so $12 was added to my challenge for dining out.
This was the wrong month to spend my leisure fund so quickly and foolishly 
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Dining Out
December 2nd, 2011 at 03:57 am
Just redeemed my cash reward from BoA for $37.50 
Once received I'll add $12.50 to this amount and give the cash to my BF daughter as a Christmas gift.
I had Panera's today at a whopping $14.58, I bought dinner and lunch. After my purchase I felt really guilty. I used my BoA card to earn the points and paid the bill as soon as I got home.
I also missed the gym tonight so $2.00 was added to my challenge.
I just checked my account I have about 5 months left and I'll be car payment free.
That's my day in a nutshell
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Dining Out
November 20th, 2011 at 10:47 am
Yep, dinner came to $42. Thank goodness there were left overs. The BF and went to dinner last night, it was my turn to treat, the money came out of my fun account so I don't feel too bad but yet and still I feel like this was a waste, so $42 added to my challenge/emergency fund.
Even though, the money spent was monies set aside for things like this, I feel like I wasted $42. I think since I have started back blogging about my finances, well matter fact I know, I hate wasting money. Period!
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Dining Out
April 8th, 2011 at 03:02 am
I am so mad, I spent $18 today on dining out. $3 for breakfast then $15 for lunch all because I didn't hit the grocery store but it won't happen tomorrow. To end on a good note $18 was divided up among accounts for the challenge, $9 on the CC, $4.50 towards house fund and $4.50 for my personal account. I really hope I receive my mileage check tomorrow that would be great
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Dining Out,
April 6th, 2011 at 06:18 pm
I'm really glad I decided to start blogging. Yesterday was a no spend day so I added two dollars to my CC balance. Today I had breakfast at home so $2 was paid on CC. Now I just had my lunch (homemade) $1 was added to Cc and $1 to saving. At this rate I should have my debt lowered a lot
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Dining Out,
August 13th, 2010 at 12:07 am
First I realized there wasn't any eggs in the house so I bought breakfast ($1.07) then what was suppose to be lunch from my job, turned out be sucky so I had to buy lunch ($5.37). On a good note, I added $6.44 to my $20 challenge--matching what was spent on breakfast and lunch plus another $1 for going to the gym today.
I cashed in my change in my piggy bank, $67.87, this was added to my EF
All in all it wasn't too bad today
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Emergency Fund,
Dining Out
January 12th, 2010 at 01:28 am
Today was to be a no spend day, when I woke up to make a grill cheese for breakfast there was no cheese and I was cutting it close for work. So I had to stop and pick up breakfast which cost me $2.61. Then I was dying for thirst and only packed one juice bottle for work and ended up spending $.75 for a soda arrrgghhhh
So $3.36 went towards CC debt and $.64 towards my savings (rounded up the change)
All in all $4 went towards my challenge. Plus today was payday and $75 went into my savings.
Looks like as long as I am blogging I am saving
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Dining Out,
January 8th, 2010 at 10:00 pm
Almost had a no spend day but I just had to have a cheeseburger and fries 
The damage $2.08; therefore, $2 was paid on the cc (part of my $20 challenge)
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Dining Out,