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Archive for September, 2020

Can I Cash This Check?

September 30th, 2020 at 10:30 pm

When my brother and I was going through it, I wasn’t happy with my original attorney, so I sought another one. I thought I had given her a deposit, to hold. $4,000. But I had no record.

Long story short, I’d asked about the money but the attorney said she didn’t have one. Today out of the blue, she called and mentioned she was cleaning her office and found an envelope with my name on it and a note marked to hold. Low and behold it is the check. She said she thought it was strange because normally the funds would go into the trust account. She’s returning to me. It’s a cashier check, I no longer bank with the bank that issued it, my question is, will I be able to cash it?

If I’m able to cash it, the money is going straight to my savings account. My goal is to save 6 month of my take home pay. I’ll continue to tackle my student loans the same as I am currently doing.

Other news, I paid another $320 on my student loans. My total paid for the month I believe is $3,000, I’ll calculate this weekend. I know that I’m just under $3k for my first loan.

Can I Cash This Check?

September 30th, 2020 at 10:07 pm

When my brother and I was going through it, I wasn’t happy with my original attorney, so I sought another one. I thought I had given her a deposit, to hold. $4,000. But I had no record.

Long story short, I’d asked about the money but the attorney said she didn’t have one. Today out of the blue, she called and mentioned she was cleaning her office and found an envelope with my name on it and a note marked to hold. Low and behold it is the check. She said she thought it was strange because normally the funds would go into the trust account. She’s returning to me. It’s a cashier check, I no longer bank with the bank that issued it, my question is, will I be able to cash it?

If I’m able to cash it, the money is going straight to my savings account. My goal is to save 6 month of my take home pay. I’ll continue to tackle my student loans the same as I am currently doing.

Other news, I paid another $320 on my student loans. My total paid for the month I believe is $3,000, I’ll calculate this weekend. I know that I’m just under $3k for my first loan.


September 25th, 2020 at 02:39 am

$18 was added to the student loan, I like to call this my snowflake ❄️. I spent money dining out, about $17. I vowed that god every dollar spent, on unnecessary items I had to match.

Every little bit helps.

Student Loan Payment

September 24th, 2020 at 07:49 am

Paid $500 towards my student loan yesterday, the balance once cleared will be $3173. I’m so excited about this. Why? One, I’m paying this sucker off, and two) next week is pay day and I’ll be dropping another $400 on the balance that will bring my total below $3000. My goal is to have this loan paid off by December.

Though, this has been a tough year, it’s also been a good year for me. For years I’ve been wanting to work from home, now I have that opportunity. Secondly, I met my goal of $10k saved for the year, even in the middle of a pandemic, I’ve also been able to tackle my student loans.

I reviewed my total paid towards debt and it’s over $15k for the year. I couldn’t believe it. My emotions were all over the place, happy that I did this and sad that that Monet could have been used for other things vs debt.

Nonetheless, though at times my job can be stressful, primarily from my boss, who should retire now, I’m still thankful for my job, a the roof over my head and the fact I can pay my bills.

In professional news I’ve been ask to pilot a program for HR professionals, I’m super excited about this. Over the years I’ve had some really bad managers; however, I’m one to educate myself, so I read a lot, attend webinars and trainings when I can, and it’s helped. I’ve learned that we should not wait for another person to develop us, but ourselves. Looking forward to this next chapter.

Another Student Loan Payment

September 18th, 2020 at 10:59 am

I’m so thankful that I’m able to tackle these student loans so aggressively. Today I paid another $300, new balance on student loan 1 is $3680. In about two weeks I should be able to pay another $800 bringing the total below $3,000. It’s only the first of four loans but I feel fired up about it.

Since I’m averaging about $1000 a month in payments I’m considering not applying for the income driven repayment (IDR) plan, which will put my regular payments at about $650 a month. This will also help with the interest. I have to do a little more research.

Money wise, my cash envelopes came in under budget this budget period, so I’m happy for that. I paid the October electric and mortgage payment. I believe in paying these items as soon as I receive the invoice and have the money. I’m a big believer of not waiting, you never know what will happen. Glad I do this, September mortgage payment was made mid August. The payment bounced. We couldn’t figure out why, well the touting number was wrong. Thankfully I had paid early and was able to meet be September 1, payment

My savings, is looking a little nice. It’s not where I’d like to be, but it’s coming along.

Lastly, yesterday I went to Dunkin’ Donuts 🍩 with a gift card of course, it felt great to go out. I didn’t dine in but it felt good to be out since I’ve been self-quarantining for months.

Wednesday Update

September 16th, 2020 at 10:09 pm

Friday is payday and I have $250 slated for the student loans 👩🏾‍🎓, I’m so happy about this. I’m just below $4,000 on my first loan.

I also started back using cash 💰 . I opted not to, due to the virus, but found myself spending a tad bid more, I’m glad, things are going back to normal, somewhat, and organizations aren’t encouraging credit cards 💳 . I simply, spray the cash with Lysol and wash my hands thoroughly.

Things are trucking along, and I’m happy for that.

I Did It!

September 13th, 2020 at 01:30 pm

I’m so happy, I hit the send button on a $1,000 payment of my student loans. I used the money I was saving for my bedroom set. I don’t know why but something is telling to get this first loan paid by the end of the year and so I’m trying very hard to do so.

I’ll admit I can’t help but think, what if I was able to invest this money? It depresses me, but I know I’m making progress. By the end of the month, I would have thrown over $2k at this debt.

I’m praying that the interest free remains through at least the first quarter of 2021. If this happens, I will be able to pay off the interest of the second loan, and start tackling the principal.

Edited to add, a friend’s mom put $20 in a thank you card, I was able to find her Lysol. Though I didn’t want the money back and it’s way more than I spent for it, I’m thankful. I used this to add to my student loans. So today I paid $1,020.

My new balance on student loan 1 is $3980

Feeling Torn

September 11th, 2020 at 07:09 pm

Since January I’ve been saving for a bedroom set, in June or July I took half the money, about $800 and paid my student loans.

Now I have about $950 saved and I want to take this money and pay down my student loans. If I do this my lowest loan will be about $4,100.

I need a bedroom set desperately, things are falling apart but I want this loan gone. I’m torn.

Student Loan

September 10th, 2020 at 06:39 pm

I was going to pay $450 on my student loans but decided to pay enough to bring the balance of the loan to $5000. That $5035 would have drove me crazy.

Next week is pay day and I’ll be able to get it below the $5000 mark. It feels so good to finally be making some traction in this loan. God I hope I can pay this off by December. If so that would leave me wit three loans to go.

Happy Labor Day!

September 7th, 2020 at 08:12 pm

Wishing everyone a safe and relaxing Labor Day

Saturday Ramblings

September 5th, 2020 at 10:38 pm

Today was an errand day for me. First it was Home Goods to return a few placemats, then Walmart for a few personal care products, next Aldi for fruits, then Target 🎯 to return a fall throw and spray paint, and finally I made my last stop 🛑 my mom’s for a bottle of wine I ordered last month that was delivered yesterday. I wanted to support a friend who is trying to earn some extra cash. It felt good getting out and about.

Since last month I went on a little hiatus with my spending, so I wanted to make this month a no spend month, only spending on necessary items. So far, I’ve had five no spend days (only necessary items). While out today, I made sure to pack water, and snacks, so that I was not tempted to buy anything.

It feels good to be back on track with things.

Having spent nothing (only needed items purchased) today, I’m setting aside $2 for my challenge, I’m also participating in a receipt challenge, so for every receipt obtained from purchases I must set aside a $1, today it was $3. The cash comes from my cash envelopes, this helps me to stay under budget.

So far for the challenge I think I have about $900 saved, in July I took about $800 and paid on my student loans. This time I’m not touching it, I hope, lol. I want to get my bedroom set. That’s what the savings challenge money was for initially. I don’t doubt by October I’ll take this money and pay down my student loan though. Lol, why? I really want to pay one of my student loans off by December 31st. I’m so close I can taste it.

For the holiday, I’ll be making pulled pork and potato salad.

That’s it for now

September Check In

September 4th, 2020 at 09:59 am

Pay day and I paid $400 on my student loans. I’m hoping to have my lowest balance loan, of $5,485.00 paid off by December 🙏🏾. The best thing that could have happened was this zero interest deferred payment. It allowed me to tackle at least one of my loans aggressively.

Now I’ll admit last month was a dud. I fell off the wagon, buying things for the house. I wanted to “fix” my home up. I painted my kitchen cabinets, painted the spare bedroom, bought a rug, bought a cube for the office space, and other miscellaneous items. Though I love how things turned out I’m pooped about what I spent (paid cash). So for September I had to reel things in, it’s a no spend month for me. For every day I spend nothing I’m adding $2 to my challenge fund.

Saving news, I socked away $400 in savings today as well, I also realized that my EF, including my mortgage account, has 6 months of expenses saved. I’m so excited about this. I’m really nervous about what will happen the first quarter of 2021, I think things are going to get bad. We can’t have record number unemployment and nothing going into default. But either way, I want to be ready, my goal is to have 6 months of my take home pay saved not expenses but I’ll take this for now.

Other news, I had to call the electrician back, we think that the plug on the dryer was bad, fingers crossed, that it’s fixed. I don’t mind hanging my clothes to dry but I like to dry my towels in the dryer that way they’re nice and soft.

That’s it in a nutshell for me.