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Archive for April, 2006
April 28th, 2006 at 02:07 pm
Finally I have received the $25.00 NSF refund from the bank. I had to go there yesterday and rais pure H**. Almost a month later and now I have my refund
boy was I upset. And I tell you what from here on out before I leave the I will be checking my account balance so that there are no mistakes as well as my receipts
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Miscellaneous ,
April 26th, 2006 at 11:44 pm
Did some marketing yesterday and today, actually set up a couple of lunches. They both went fine but boy I tell it is hard work kissing you know what. So far I have been at it it at least 2 months and still no referrals I am getting very fustrated but I know i have to hang in there hopefully something will come in
Posted in
April 26th, 2006 at 10:29 pm
While I was on my splurge over the weekend and this past week I totally forgot what got me into trouble in the 1st place so now I have to return some items that were clearly wants and not needs so here is the break down:
Clothing $240.37 (i'll be returning about $100.00 worth)
Job Expenses $192.20(will be reimbursed)
Misc $63.44
Good thing I keep a misc account where I can trsf fund that way I do not have to use my EF so I have about $80.00 in that account and $20.00 cash once I returns some of the items I should be good to go
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Miscellaneous ,
April 26th, 2006 at 07:51 pm
Just added afew dollars to my challenge money by rounding to the nearest whole dollar bringing my total to 293.09 I am trying to reach $300.00 by the end of the month. I have set a new goal for myself and that is to add at least $100.00 a month we will see
Posted in
April 24th, 2006 at 11:06 pm
I know I have gone over the edge with my spending this weeken I have spent soooo much over the weekend on small items that adds up very quickly. I know I spent foolishly out waying my wants over my needs that I have not even entered my transaction onto the register
I am dredging tonight when I finally enter all my transactions
Hopefully it won't be too bad
and guess what I have already decided to return
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
April 21st, 2006 at 07:39 pm
Just got my $5.00 owed to me from my co-worker which I am adding to my challenge money brining my total to $288.67
Hopefully by this weekend I will be at $300.00
Posted in
April 21st, 2006 at 04:05 pm
Just added $1.54 to my challenge money bringing my new total tp $283.67
I am happy because I am actually making some sort of head way this money I am actually saving towards a house it will be a awhile but at least I know I am serious now
Posted in
April 21st, 2006 at 03:44 pm
Well had dinner last night and it went very well the MD was really nice, I am following up with him some time next week in the mean time I will drop off info at his office and we'll take it from there
Posted in
April 21st, 2006 at 03:42 pm
Wow I am going crazy trying to get my $25.00 from the bank now they want a letter from the institution that will not issue the refund. Of course you all know that, that bank won’t write a letter. So now I am contacting the BBB regarding both banks and plan on closing my account at the credit union. At least the bank who made the error was willing to issue the refund but they need proof that I have not received those fund back and I can’t say I blame them. Anyway at least the service rep that I spoke with did a conference call with the other bank who acknowledge that they would not write a letter (jerks) she stated she would note my account and for me to go in and see the branch manager who will issue a check to the other bank who then deposit to my account. This whole ordeal is crazy
Posted in
April 20th, 2006 at 10:26 pm
Did some marketing today and it did not go well at lunch unfortunately this is all new to me and I am not familar with our services as far as what is done on the floor, there were questions asked that I simply could not answer...but at the next lunch which is next Tuesday I will be able to answer any question thrown my way I hate looking or appearing to look like an idiot
Tonight is dinner and we'll see how that goes
Posted in
April 19th, 2006 at 03:34 pm
Did any one watch Oprah yesterday? She had a young lady on the show that spent over $150,000 trying to look, well dress like a celebrity. Wow...now I am a clothes fanatic but I don't think I could spend that much.
In a sense I can admit that I too had a problem, but since I have jumped on the ban wagon to be debt free I am more concern with how much money I saved than what clothes I buy. I read a article a while ago that stated if you clean out your closet and wear things that still have the tag on them or items you have not worn in a while it feels as though you just went shopping and that one could experience the same high that they get when you go shopping. I have done this and believe me you it works
Shopping is an addiction it can be just as bad as being addicted to drugs
Posted in
April 19th, 2006 at 03:17 pm
Well so far to day I spent a lot:
$10.99 at the grocery store
$5.00 lotto pool...it's up to $84 million
Wow that would be nice and $1.00 for those
Famous "World's Finest Chocolate" sold by every kid in America. I am so upset because where I work one of the patients brings in a box at each visit and of course I buy, she always say " you know you don't have to" it drives me bonkers
How can I cut back, OMG I have got to learn to say no other wards I will not be able to save those few extra change here and there
Posted in
April 18th, 2006 at 10:10 pm
Well I went to the bank today trying to get my $25.00 for NSF. Originally I made a deposit to my local bank and then wrote a check to my credit union for $140.00 (the money I wanted to transfer) well of course the bank made an error and was kind enough to write a letter acknowledging their error but not my refund Anyway I go to the bank in which the check was written to, of course because the error was not their fault a refund would not be issued. So I was back on the phone with the bank, which made the error and faxing everything all over again. Spoke with a rep that stated she will "try" to resolve the problem I am sooooooo upset I do not have $25.00 to just throw away
Posted in
April 18th, 2006 at 09:55 pm
Yeah it is payday and I just put away a lot here. There was an extra 12 hours yeah!!!!! Boss paid me for my lunches (marketing lunches). So here is the break down for all my accounts, thus far every thing has been paid for the month I also lent my bother again $225.00 leaving me with $128.00 for two weeks
$144.00 to EF Total $932.00
$67.50 Misc Account / total 67.50
$15.00 $20.00 Challenge total 280.84
$5.00 Car account /total $45.16
$70.00 College tuition Total $71.00 (this is a new account)
$15.00 IRA contribution/Total $601.37
Total savings: $316.50
CC /Debt
Macy’s paid $20.00 Balance: 346.73
Merrick Bank paid 300.00/ Balance $1456.73
Household Bank paid $26.00/Balance 763.32
Target paid $9.09/ Balance 0
Mom (personal loan) paid $50.00/ Balance $150.00
Capitol One paid $33.00/ Balance $972.85
Now for the month I have spent the following:
Personal Care: $150.32
Dining Out: $99.96
Groceries: $61.52
Gas; $50.00
Clothing $57.51
Gifts $30.00
Home Bills (phone, cell cable etc) $160.00
Leisure/Entertainment $40.00
So far so good
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
Reaching Financial Freedom,
April 17th, 2006 at 11:44 pm
I have been using ING since the end or mid February and I love it. So now that I am gearing up for the fall and of course tuition is going up as well I figured if I sock away $70.00 each pay period towards books/books I should have most of the money for the fall or at least 3/4 of the money so I decided to add a college account to my existing ING account. Right now I have a new home account and a car account. I like the idea because I always think twice about transferring funds and since it takes a few days to actually get the money I've never actually transferred anything and now that they are paying at 4% why not just leave the money there. I actually can’t wait until the end of the year to see how much I have actually save and what I actually decreases/paid off. Since I can remember I have never stuck with my New Year’s resolution regarding saving and getting out of debt this is the longest I have stuck to the plane (4months) and actually have a little some thing in the bank other than $50.00…lol. If you’re not into ING I suggest you think about it, it’s a great way to save money
OOPs I forgot to add that this site hepls a lot
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
April 17th, 2006 at 11:19 pm
Well it is the end of the pay period and I only have $23.5 left over from my previous paycheck and in all actuality it may be a lot less because I cleaned out my miscellaneous savings account L. However I am waiting to see if the bank will reimburse the $25.00 for the return check fee in check my other bank caused and will not refund but was kind enough to give me a letter HA! Don’t even get me started on this. My savings account is now at $743.00 a decrease of $100.00 but that is fine because I will add another $75.00 tomorrow.
Just added the $23.50 to my challenge money bringing my total now to $265.89 I can’t wait until I get to $1000.00 I am trying to save for a house hopefully things will pan out.
Hopefully I’ll get my $25.00 back and can this money to the challenge as well
Posted in
Emergency Fund,
April 14th, 2006 at 11:36 pm
Did any one notice the price of gas? It changes by the hour. On my way to work (7:30am) it was $2.77 on my way home (12:00pm) for lunch it was $2.77 on my way back (1:30) it was $2.80 wow. Now yesterday when I was at the north office it was about $2.89 then $2.92 now $2.97
What is going on? I am in FL is this a good deal compared to the rest of you. I can kick myself for not stopping this morning like I was suppose to we’ll see what it is when I leave hear at 7pm
Posted in
April 14th, 2006 at 11:13 pm
A few years ago ACNeilson sent me a $1.00 to take a survey (basically I was keeping track of what I watched). Then a few months later I got $5.00 then $10.00 however I ended up moving and now nothing. I was wondering if anyone knew how to get started again I did email the company but no response
Posted in
April 14th, 2006 at 10:55 pm
I am sitting here at our other office starving, I am a little upset because I bought breakfast this morning $2.12. Now I just bought a pizza because I was too lazy to pack snacks spending $13.19 a total of $15.31 for the day, way more than I wanted to spend and I budgeted $0 for eating out
However at least I was able to add $3.81 to my challenge money bringing my total to $241.35. Rather than rounding to the nearest dollar I am now rounding a little differently adding way more money to my $20.00 challenge/new house money since I am definitely cutting back on the spending
I am upset that money was spent but at the same time glad I did because I have not added anthing to my challenge for a while
Posted in
April 14th, 2006 at 12:01 am
Did some marketing today, met a paralegal who seem to be very nice hopefully we can get some referrals and I can start getting my bonuses…that will be awesome and way better than the issue I am having with the bank (let’s not go there) Any how I am getting my name out there and meeting people next week I stay on top of my previous contacts and re-hit their offices. However hopefully by the summer I can be adding so many bonuses to my EF I would not know what to do.
Now to change the subject I haven’t spent any money therefore I haven’t rounded any change in order to deposit to my challenge money, I guess I’ll have to wait until payday which is next week I got a little more than 90 hours in and that will be great
Posted in
April 13th, 2006 at 11:51 pm
I am going to scream I am trying to clear up this issue with the bank (of course their error) and it is such a headache. Now I got to the bank, which made the error... they will not issue a refund of $25.00 for the NSF in which my other bank that I made the deposit to and I incurred the fee with. However they were so nice to write a letter asking the bank to issue me a refund due to their error
I can just scream
Posted in
April 12th, 2006 at 11:29 pm
I guess they're right when they say, "no news is good news" because I have been at this marketing thing now for about a little over a month and was starting to doubt myself. Then I got a phone call from one of the old therapist, who said congratulations he heard I was doing an excellent job, which came from the owner, wow did I feel good. He also told me he thought I was very ambitious at getting the word out
It was nice
Posted in
April 12th, 2006 at 03:16 am
Wow you hear about identity theft but never think it can happen to you. Well today I got a call I can’t remember the name of the company anyway an automated message prompt for me to verify my name…I did and then verify my last 4 digit of my social security number of course I did not. I just keyed in some bogus numbers to see what will happen. Anyway I was directed to a rep who stated that my mortgage was coming due, mind you I don’t own a home and he needed to verify my SSN I informed him he called me he should be the one verifying the info but what scares me is that they have my name and phone number. Finally after going around in circles he read off some off the wall numbers I said to him it is obvious you have the wrong gal he seem a little upset not that I care. I am sure he just ran off some numbers I wish I had told him it was correct to see what would happen, darn!!
So be very careful
Posted in
April 9th, 2006 at 04:16 am
Went out last night the first in a while, spent a total of $50.00 but I was still able to contribute a few change to my challenge money a total of $1.72 bringing my total to $237.54. I like the idea of rounding what ever I spend to the nearest dollar, it’s a little tedious and time consuming but as I watch my challenge money grow it’s worth it. Maybe I should get on the ball with selling stuff to up this fund being that I am trying to save for a house and all
Posted in
April 9th, 2006 at 04:05 am
Balancing my checkbook like I normally do once a week, I have found that my bank charged me $25.00 for the return check fee…of course from the error in which bank number 1 made (depositing funds to the wrong account) Now on Monday I have to make a ton of phone calls to get $25.00 back. At the stroke of the key and one tiny error causes a huge and many headaches to follow. Gee’s I am P.O’d
Posted in
April 7th, 2006 at 10:13 pm
Well today started off a bit rough. First I woke up late, the shirt I wanted to wear to work, which I have never worn, has shrunk...lol or maybe I have grown.
Then I left the eviction letter that should have been mailed out last week to my dad's tenant And as I am driving along I realize that I left my lunch.
Now I am at work normally I get lunch eat it in my car and take a nap but this time the assistant manager asked if I could bring her something so of course I needed to come back. But then lunch was on the owner I saved $9.03 and with that saving I added to my $20.00 (the $9.00), which is now at $235.82 yeah!!! So my Friday ended on a good note
Posted in
April 7th, 2006 at 01:49 am
Just round some change up after using my debit card and now my challenge money is at $226.82 just simply knowing I am saving for a house along with paying off debt started from $0 now I have $226.00 towards a new house not much now but wow just knowing I have something save is better than nothing I actually am serious this time and not simply just talking & you guys are helping a lot.
Also my brother paid me the $200.00 he owed me so I was able to add that money to my EF now I am at $873.00 only $127.00 away from reaching my $1000.00 mini EF fund
Posted in
Reaching Financial Freedom
April 5th, 2006 at 01:58 am
Well after a little bit of screaming I finally got my $146.15 credited to my account along with the return check fee. Now I understand why I use this account only to deposit extra funds when I can't get to the credit union and then i write a check and transfer the funds to my credit union.
Thank goodness that is over yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted in
April 3rd, 2006 at 10:15 pm
Well the bank credit my account the $146.15 however the bounce check fee in the amount of $30.00 was not credited to my account so tomorrow when I get off guess where I am going. This is such a hassle
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April 2nd, 2006 at 02:26 am
Boy at one point I loved to shop, I even set up a seperate account strictly for that. So today I went out and spent the money $43.64 now i feel terrible..itis driving me crazy and Iwon't feel better until I return everything I bought. Am i crazy or just realizing my needs over my wants
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Reaching Financial Freedom,