November 24th, 2021 at 04:01 am
It’s not much however I’m happy. Today, I bumped my IRA contribution to $100 a month, I’m hoping to eventually max this out since I’m not getting any younger.
I also paid $100 on my student loans.
Since I’m not great at managing my money without a pay check, I got with my accountant who will begin paying me a paycheck bi-weekly, withholding taxes starting in January.
My interview with my third client went well and I’m estimating, approximately $24,000 a month for the next three months if I land that contract. I’m exhausted but the plan is to max out my IRA, pay off my student loan and get my mortgage down.
I can't help but think that had I not had these student loans I'd be half way to paying my house off
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
November 20th, 2021 at 02:28 pm
Well here’s an update.
Paid $100 on student loan #2 and I’m now at $19,600. I’m hoping to throw another $4000 at it by the end of the month. Hopefully I can pay it off by February.
My lawyer called and the company that ripped me off offered $2,500, he recommended we reject it. The sad thing is the language they’re using implies that I was to be an employee and not a contractor which by the way is worst. They technically violated DOL FLSA rules, SMH. If they go with the amount requested by my lawyer, I plan on throwing it all at my student loan.
I also have the possibility of picking up another client at about $8k a month and I submitted a RFP with a partner for $300k on a six month project. Fingers crossed.
All in all, I’ve made more money in one month that I have working two months at a job that was very toxic.
Lastly, I see that the site has a new look. I like it but had a hard time on my phone, locating how to create an entry.
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Reaching Financial Freedom,
November 6th, 2021 at 12:56 am
Made my first payment on my third student loan. My goal is to pay something no matter how small each week. This week, I paid $50.63. I’m hoping to have this loan paid off by December 2022, then on to the next one.
I’m excited to start this journey.
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November 2nd, 2021 at 06:25 pm
My attorney reached out to me yesterday and informed that he hadn’t heard from the client by our ten day deadline. I was annoyed and decided not to respond to him, he wanted to know how to proceed. I wanted to think things over before responding, he didn’t think it was worth fighting for the $10k when you factor in legal fees.
Well I get a follow up email, the company reached out and offered $500. He rejected it and stated we should go to mediation/arbitration. He thinks that we have a good chance with this so I’m going for it. I’m not concern about the two months being paid but at least pay me for the month I worked.
This really sucks.
I’m glad I waited before responding though
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