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Archive for April, 2007

Grades aren't in

April 30th, 2007 at 02:47 am

Well my grades are not in, I know Thursday's exam did not go well but I should have atleast a "B" I am a little nervous because I just drew a blank on the exam

Thanks Lux

April 30th, 2007 at 02:37 am

I was reading Lux's blog and notice that now you can add a pic in the bio section, which is nice

So thanks a bunch

Down to one day

April 30th, 2007 at 02:28 am

We are down to just one day for watering your lawn here in sunny FL. As much as I love the wonderful weather I would like for it to rain...this is the longest drought we have had. Also it is just 18 more days until salt water starts to seep in and people around here just don't get it. They are sneaking and watering their grass, washing their cars, etcetera, and etcetera. When I see them I will call the cops this is ridiculous, if it doesn’t rain and once we can't take showers because of the salt water then every one will start complaining

Am I the only one...

April 30th, 2007 at 02:21 am

who works with idiots? Well the security guard on my second job likes to leave at 10 before his reliever actually arrives (he's scheduled until 12) Any how I get a 911 call a residents states that her husband fell and could not get up so I inform him who was just about to walk out of the door. Now what does he do, one would think go up and check/help the resident...well guess again; he hangs around hoping that his reliever shows up. What was he thinking? In the meantime AMR is on the property and he stills ends up going up. Idiot! nWouldn't it make sense to stay on the job until your reliever arrives?

$20 challenge

April 30th, 2007 at 02:16 am

Now that I have come back to my senses I just added $20.22 to the challenge. I need to hit $4000 by the end of May so every little penny I get will go towards my challenge/new home account. I plan on moving once I am finish with school which is in about a year and a half Smile

New total $2251.95

Glad it's over...

April 30th, 2007 at 12:03 am

This month that is. I did not do well at all; over budgeted big time Frown

I did not even meet my $1000 mark for April in regards to the challenge, so for the month of May I have got to hit the $4000 mark in order to make up for April Frown this will be tough but I think I can do it

Any how here are my totals:
Monthly income and expenses

4/1/2007 through 4/30/2007

Subcategory Apr-07

Other Income
Gifts Received $18.49
Other Income - Unassigned $46.84
Total Other Income $65.33
Refund $121.85
Wages & Salary
Wages & Salary - Unassigned $3,107.88
Total Wages & Salary $3,107.88
Income - Unassigned $1.55
Total Income $3,296.61

Gasoline $106.18
Total Automobile $106.18
Cable/Satellite Television $81.87
Electricity $93.29
Online/Internet Service $60.52
Telephone $42.27
Water & Sewer $44.08
Total Bills $322.03
Charitable Donations $20.00
Clothing $321.50
Contact solution $2.24
Dining Out $193.60 Too high
Supplies $2.00
Tuition $100.00
Total Education $102.00 [b]
Gifts $105.74
Groceries $173.10
Dental $11.65
Physician $30.00
Total Healthcare $41.65
Job Expense
Non-Reimbursed $29.06
Reimbursed $43.98
Total Job Expense $73.04
Movies & Video Rentals $20.00
Newspaper $1.25
Total Leisure $21.25
Miscellaneous $49.33
Personal Care $173.82
Sales Tax $35.17
School Supplies $0.00
Snack $1.10
Federal Income Tax $310.49
Medicare Tax $45.07
Social Security Tax $192.69
Total Taxes $548.25
Expense - Unassigned $12.73
[b]Total Expenses $2,302.73

Income less Expenses $993.88

Once again

April 28th, 2007 at 01:07 pm

My car was broken into again, thank God nothing was taken (as it appeared) and once again I was on my way to work. This time I did not call the police since he did not take finger prints the last time. It was my fault, I have been locking my car door ever since the last break in (3 weeks ago) and last night I had so many bags I forgot to lock it, thank God I took my DVD out of the car. I know it is some one from the neighborhood and wish I could catch them
Darn it I am mad

Last test

April 26th, 2007 at 03:16 am

Thank God, tomorrow is my last final I have been reviewing my notes not like I should but I think I will be ok, even if I do not do well I should still past the class with a "B" . This class is very hard, the instructor just babbles and babbles about nothing pertaining to the course and then he only gives a midterm and a final which covers 1-7 chapters (I had him for a different course last semester) So we will see. I can't wait for my two week break (taking summer classes)

Updating my challenge

April 26th, 2007 at 03:09 am

I have eaten out so much I can just kick myself Frown But atleast my challenge money is up. I have been matching what I pay to eat out so this was to be an incentive for me not to dine out but it is not working I have to come up with another plan

New total $2231.73

Seeing the doc

April 26th, 2007 at 03:06 am

Well I go in tomorrow for my 3 month check up with the doctor wish me luck, lately everything has been ok. Well I am in for a fight tomorrow because the idiots had me scheduled on the 17th as well as the 26th and according to the MD policy they will charge $25 for appoints that are not canclled. We'll see, because I am not paying it and if they insist I will walk out and find another doc. I really like my doctor but her staff is a bunch of idiots

did some shopping

April 26th, 2007 at 03:02 am

I did some shopping and spent way too much money so everything will be returned on Friday expect for two items which are: a pair of sunglasses ($9.99, mine was stolen when my car was broken into) and a black belt ($12.99). I bought a dress from Macy's (well two ) for about $120 a $5 shirt and a Michael Kors purse ($129). Yep I went on a little mini shopping spree and now I have to return everything, thank God I came to my senses


April 22nd, 2007 at 02:58 pm

I am like so excited today, as you know I put a little something away every month to pay for my tuition, it's not much but it helps when the moeny is due. Any how right now I have about $210 saved and classes (I am taking one class) are $340 which is not due until May 21st. But I paid $100 my last pay period and plan on paying another $100 on the 28th of this month which will leave me a balance of $140 but I will get paid again before the funds are actually due in which I plan on paying the total amount due. So my point is I will not have to touch this money that I actually saved Smile I could actually probably take another class the second part of the summer. I guess the point is, it is really nice to actually have the money saved and not have to use it


April 22nd, 2007 at 02:51 pm

I just checked my ING account to make sure my numbers match and I notice that thus far I have earned $5.06 for the month so far and the month is not even over yet. Amazing, I know I do not have much money saved a little more than $2000 but the most I get at my bank (credit union) is about a $1.38. My goal is to save for a house and I know I have a little way to go but I have also decided to match my ING interest every month. I mean $5 x 10= $50 and if I match this amount I will have an extra $100 at the end of the year. Watching your money grow is very exciting


April 22nd, 2007 at 02:43 pm

That's right I got a 100% right on my test Smile Actually I missed 2 but I got both of the bonus questions right, I was sooo happy because this class is hard as %$#%^ so I am adding $3 to my new home account since I got an "A"

New total $2228.75

$20 challenge

April 22nd, 2007 at 02:37 pm

I have been adding to the challenge like crazy because I have been dining out like crazy. The only good thing is that my challenge is going up but I have got to get off my lazy behind and start cooking breakfast, lunch is not too bad but it is the breakfast that I keep buying.
I actually made breakfast today so I added $2.00 to my challenge

New total for the challenge $2225.75

ER vs. Walk in Clinic

April 22nd, 2007 at 02:34 pm

Friday night my mom was in so much pain, her knee was swollen and she could hardly walk. So Saturday we decided to go to a walk in clinic thinking it will be quicker than the wrong we were. We were there from 10am until 12:30 before she was acutally called to the back to see the doctor. Then once in the back another hour before we actually saw the doctor. Total hours at the clinic 4 hours, I guess in the long run it was better than the ER. The last time I went I was there for 6 hours
Mom has Osteoarthritis in here knees so we will be trying therapy

Just an update

April 17th, 2007 at 01:03 am

Well today was payday and I upped my IRA contributions from $25 a pay period to $50, I know I will not be maxing out but it is better than nothing. Unfortunately my job has no retirement benefits. Anyhow I also added $133.86 to my challenge which gives me a new total of $2174.41 I know I will not make my $3000 goal for the month but I will keep trying

Monthly Spending thus far

April 15th, 2007 at 04:43 am

Here are my totals so far, I guess it is not too bad but the gifts are really high...birthday's and holidays Frown my dining out is also high as well:

Expense Categories
Automobile : Gasoline $40.01
Bills : Online/Internet Service $60.52
Bills : Water & Sewer $44.08
Clothing $90.83
Contact solution $2.24
Dining Out $53.91
Gifts $68.17
Groceries $82.97
Healthcare : Dental $11.65
Job Expense : Non-Reimbursed $5.32
Miscellaneous $36.47
Personal Care $67.94
Sales Tax $10.35
Taxes : Federal Income Tax $140.29
Taxes : Medicare Tax $21.12
Taxes : Social Security Tax $90.27
Total Expense Categories $826.14

Grand Total -$826.14

Things I need to do

April 15th, 2007 at 04:33 am

I am reviewing everything that I really need to take care of such as:

1. Up my EF which has fell dramatically
2. Up my IRA contributions (will take care of on Monday)
3. Resume my $25 weekly deposit to the challenge
4. Stop shopping, yes I have started this crap again after I worked so hard at paying off my cc

I have paid cash for all the clothes I bought but my EF has decreased because of a non emergency. I just don't get it I am not depressed or anything, I guess I just miss shopping Frown not good and I have not been blogging like I use to so I think this is another reason ( I am not recognizing my actions...out of site out of mind)

5. resume my blogging on a regular basis because it helps me to stay focus

$20 challenge

April 15th, 2007 at 04:26 am

I have been really slacking, I just added $3 to the challenge $2.00 for two loads of laudry that was line dried and $1 for taking the stairs

new total $2038.57

$20 challenge

April 14th, 2007 at 03:42 am

Well I have not learned my lesson, I am still eating out. Added $2.94 to the challenge because I went to DD and another $12 for lunch at Friday's. A co-worker borrowed $10 I maybe out of that we will see

New total $2035.57

Dining out

April 13th, 2007 at 02:19 am

I added another $5.53 to the challenge because I was too lazy to cook and had dinner at KFC today

New total $2020.63

Scores are not going up

April 12th, 2007 at 04:59 pm

Now I have been debt free for about 4 months, grant it I have 1 to 2 doctor bills that needs to be paid but my credit score is not going up at all, and i do not under stand why, if I use my card as soon as I get home I pay it off so there is no balance. I pay all other bills on time but when ever I check my scores they are in the low 600s and I am actually closing an account next month because there is an annual fee attached to it

$20 challenge

April 12th, 2007 at 04:54 pm

I guess you can say that I am back on track with the challenge, yesterday I added $2.44 because I did not order breakfast from Mcdonald's and that is what I usually pay. Today I added $6.00 because I saved $3.50 at target and did not spend $2.44 at McDonalds so I just rounded up

new total $2015.10

Tip of the day

April 12th, 2007 at 04:46 pm

Here is another tip that was in my inbox from the Dollar stretcher that I thought was a good idea, especially for those of us who pack our lunches:

Custom Cold Packs

I have bad knees, so I often need to ice them. I was using ice
cubes or frozen bags of water, but all those corners are
terribly unpleasant. I went to the pharmacy to buy one of
those reusable gel packs only to find out that they are
terribly expensive! My husband joked that we should fill a bag
with whiskey and put that in the freezer, which gave me an even cheaper idea. I took an 89-cent bottle of rubbing alcohol out of the medicine cabinet, poured some into a freezer bag
with twice as much water, and stuck it in the freezer. I had a reusable gel-pack with no sharp corners for less than a dollar. I have two in my freezer all the time, so after I've used one, I can exchange it for the other.
Janine S.

Big test today

April 12th, 2007 at 01:27 pm

We have a big test today, I have been reviewing my notes on a regular basis but I just do not think I am ready. My instructor is sooo tricky when it comes to the questions but we'll see

Keep your fingers crossed

No spend day

April 8th, 2007 at 04:38 pm

no spend day so I added a buck the challenge/home account along with an extra $.04 to round up my change

New total $2001.04

Happy Easter

April 8th, 2007 at 01:48 pm

Tip of the day

April 7th, 2007 at 01:17 pm

This was in my inbox from the Dollar Stretcher and just wanted to shar with everyone.

Liner paper for cabinets is very expensive. A great liner for cabinets is wallpaper. You can buy rolls cheaply at yard sales for 50 cents or $1, or you can even find it at discount stores. The patterns are really beautiful and can really brighten up your kitchen for a tremendous savings. You can also use them to line drawers.

$20.00 Challenge

April 7th, 2007 at 01:11 pm

I have met my $2000 goal now it is time to hit $3000. I added $22.01 to the challenge today
$2 for breakfast (matched this amount)
$20.00 for going out

I was to go out last night and the cover charge was $20.00 but I decided at the last minute not to go, so I added this amount to the challenge

Now I am back on track

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