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Archive for April, 2019

March Madness

April 7th, 2019 at 05:39 am

Finally back on track. I took a week’s hiatus, things were super busy at work and this last week has been crazy.

First, the SO cousin’s wedding was beautiful, but his mom act a plum fool because she was sitting at the wrong table and had to move πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ™„

The next day at 6 am we took my mom to the hospital πŸ₯ she had an allergic reaction to something. Then at 11 am we took the SO grandson to the hospital for a possible seizure, all in one day.
Mid week the SO was attacked by bees 🐝 while working and his face looked like the elephant 🐘 man πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ™„. Thank goodness the Benadryl worked.

All this coupled with a work week from hell, open enrollment, employee relationship issues etc.

Today I finally took a look at my budget, last month was okay. I’m annoyed that I had to stop the snowball temporarily.
So last month...
* Paid only $409.18 to CC9
* Saved $506 of income ( this include the dividend of $4.04)
* I had a few items I went over budget in, not too bad
Tomorrow I’ll take a look at my habit tracker, to see how things went

Budget Update

April 4th, 2019 at 10:28 am

Revisited my budget and this is a tough month. I signed up for something last year, that I really didn’t want to do but hey, it’s done now. I’m just ticked off at myself and the fact that I won’t be adding anything extra to the CC πŸ’³, other than about $70.

Other news, I’m really glad that I’ve socked away for birthdays and other things that require gift buying, that I may have forgotten. We had a wedding this past weekend, and we (SO) split the gift, $25 each. I took my portion from my fun envelope but transferred the money from the birthday sinking fund right back. Lol, what’s weird is I forgot about the account and was upset I had to spend the money, I thought how could you not budget for this. Then I realize I had actually saved for it. Duh πŸ™„ It feels so good to not use CCs πŸ’³ and to save for things.

Last night I came home my car window won’t go up, it appears as though there’s something with the rubber, it’s off track blocking the window to go up πŸ™„. Murphy always seem to appear when things are going great.

Lastly, the weekend was crazy, mom went to the hospital, allergic reaction and the SO grand baby went as well, all in the same day. Plus I started feeling like crap 🀒. Thankfully everyone is home and I’m feeling better.