Home > FYI


May 17th, 2006 at 12:13 am

This was in my inbox today, just thought I would share:

Getting Rid of Junk Mail

OK, so it's nearly impossible to stop the flow of junk e-mail you receive. But at least you have a fighting chance of slowing the flow of junk mail delivered by the post office. You can start by not listing your address in the phone book. That's how many solicitors track you down. Then get your name off mailing lists by contacting the following resources:

Direct Marketing Association
DataQuick: 877-970-9171
Acxiom: 877-774-2094
Abacus: 800-518-4453

3 Responses to “FYI”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Thank you for the info!Smile

  2. veronak Says:

    No problem

  3. Andrew Says:

    Great information. I am amazed at the amount of junk mail I get throught snail mail. Credit card offers, AARP offers of insurance even though I am way off from being eligible, seminars etc. I think if I collected all the paper from junk mail over the year I could start my own paper company. I wonder if calling those places will make a difference in junk mail influx? We shall see.

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