Home > TGIF


June 17th, 2006 at 01:08 am

Thank God it is Friday, I am sooo tired I just don't know what to do. Went through and looked at all my bills, everything seems to be current just have a few things to pay on Monday but other than that everything else is paid. Looks like I am meeting my goals. I paid off another CC, well as of the 22nd ( I post dated the online payment) which leaves with me 3 active CC that needs to be paid first and then 1 charge off, an old cell phone bill and 1 student loan, my goal is to have everything paid for no later than October. I guess Dave's plan works after all by tackling the small accounts first I have paid off a lot of debt a total of 6 CC and 1 student loan about $2500.00, so I feel really good right now. Can't wait to check my credit score next month. And thank goodness my car seems to be running ok except today I hit a curb not once but twice at the bank and nw there is a funny sound

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