Home > Costly Mistake

Costly Mistake

July 17th, 2006 at 10:29 pm

I just realize that I used the wrong account when I paid an extra $20.00 on my cc cosing me to bouse two checks at 30.00 each. I paid my bills online all the time and did not realize that my default account was my personal (me account) which I never use to pay bills except for once in a blue moon. Damn now because I did not verify the info when I hit the enter button it cost me a total of $60.00 on bounce check fees, now the $50.00 that my dad gave me was used to pay the damn bank. Boy am I po'd

2 Responses to “Costly Mistake”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Amber- Explain what happened to your bank and they should reverse the fees. Banks are generally willing to do this so long as 1. you explain what happened and 2. it is not a regualr occurance (lots of bounced checks)...if your first answer is NO, go to a supervisor, then manager.

    The fee is in place to keep people from abusing account....We are all human and the bank should understand a mistake.

  2. veronak Says:

    Thanks I thought about it, I will on Saturday

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