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Who said anything was wrong with buying from the thrift store

July 26th, 2006 at 02:27 am

Well this week is tax free here in Fl on clothing/school supplies. So anyway I hit the thrift store and made out like a bandit; 3 pairs of phants 1 blouse all for $9.50

I got a pair of Guess Jeans, Joes Jeans and and Anne Taylor slacks we all know these would have easily cost me atleast $100.00 a pair. People laugh because I go to the thrift store, I have gotten to the point where I do not even tell my friends but look the same $200.00 she spend on a pair of Joe jeans I got for $2.00 I guess I am laughing

3 Responses to “Who said anything was wrong with buying from the thrift store”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    congrats on the great finds. Folks who do not have a frugal mindset just dont understand...and think about it...if everyone DID understand, the bargains would be harder to come by, now wouldnt they?

    In the meantime, keep enjoying your bargains!!

  2. jacquelynrose Says:

    I LOVE the Thrift Store! The Quality is so much better than the Mall. Have you ever noticed?

  3. flinnie Says:

    Yes the Thrift Store is a great place to shop.

    .I shop there all the time...there nothing wrong with buying from
    the Thrift store .Always find good deals myself.

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