Home > Wow I am busy

Wow I am busy

September 23rd, 2006 at 01:59 am

I have been so, one full time job and a part-time job. I do not really have no time for myself between work and studying. Now next week I am meeting with an administrator at the college to get an insight on what I should be doing before graduation, I am hoping by next fall I will be interning but we will see I definately need to hold on to my part time job. But tonight it is all about me I am surfing the net drinking diet coke and have my feet up Smile

2 Responses to “Wow I am busy”

  1. JanH Says:

    Sounds like you deserve the time for yourself! One day all of your hard work will someday give you back great rewards!

  2. Champion Cheapskate Says:

    Glad to see you found time for yourself. As busy as you are, you survived. Stay focused and do things little-by-little as they come up, whether it's homework, housework, job-related or planning for the future. Turn mountains into molehills and you create more time for yourself. Good luck Smile

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