Home > What a day

What a day

December 11th, 2007 at 01:54 am

First I have it out with my co worker. Since she has started the only problem I have with her is the gum. She shares my desk with me, and chews gum, then takes it out of her mouth, leaves it on the desk (unwrapped), touches every thing then puts it back in her mouth and again touches evey thing, mind you she is not washing her hands. Then she puts it back in her mouth and starts the whole process over. This drives me crazy because we share the desk and I do not want to touch anything she touches. The problem is she sees nothing wrong with this, and we work in a health care facility.

On a good note, I got a "C" in the class that I was worried about. Only 1 point away from a "B"

So I got 2 "A" and 1 "C"

Got home today and received my first check from Pinecone ($3) so this was added to my challenge

3 Responses to “What a day”

  1. shiela Says:

    Congrats. Can you ask your prof. if he/she could bump it up to a B? It's only 1 point away.

  2. moi aussi Says:

    Ewww that is gross about the gum. It would completely freak me out. Yuck!!

  3. fern Says:

    Ugg. That reminds me of something i can't stand, people who keep licking their finger to help them page through a bunch of papers. Ever see someone do that?

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