Home > Back on track

Back on track

December 17th, 2008 at 02:47 am

Since I have been back and blogging I have managed to not do any wasteful spending and add to my challenge in attempt to pay my debt off for the third
Today I returned two items a pair of unwanted or needed stockings for $10.64 and a small speaker for my Ipod for $10.53 both were purchased on the cc. Tomorrow I will retun some body wash and shower gel for $20 that I do not need because I have a ton of it, as well as a carry on that I bought for $24
Once again I forgot my lunch or snack so I spent $3.40 at BK so $8.80 was added to my challenge, well paid on the cc plus I went to the gym so $2 was also added to my cc as well

5 Responses to “Back on track ”

  1. shiela Says:

    That's good to hear.

  2. scfr Says:

    Yea for returning the stuff!

    After forgetting my coffee one day, I started keeping a list of what I need to bring to work with me daily (lunch, coffee, water). Then I write a seperate list for any special things for the next day (shopping list & coupons if I'm stopping off at the grocery store on my way home, for example). I really shouldn't need a list for such a few things, but I do. *sigh* Better to see a reminder of my forgetfulness than to actually forget, I guess. Smile
    Keep up the good work!

  3. gamecock43 Says:

    Sometimes returning items is more of a high then buying them. Not the actual return- but looking at your CC balance online the next day- it's a great feeling.

  4. Koppur Says:

    I'm so proud of you for returning those items!

  5. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Good for you Amber!

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