Home > Lost my job

Lost my job

March 6th, 2009 at 08:01 pm

I was told today that I would be let go. I am so pissed off. I know that I am a good worker and have no idea why. I was told that the boss wanted to find some one with billing experience but that doesn't fly with me. I believe something happened and it wasn't justifiable for letting me go. I have been there for 5 years and just the other day he told some one that I was one of his best employees
What bothers me is that I don't know the truth. But at least I have a few dollars saved that will hold me over for a few months and that's it. As soon as I got home I submitted a ton of applications all over the place hopefully something will come up. See I am one of those either over qualified or not enough...some where in the middle

24 Responses to “Lost my job”

  1. kdmoffett25 Says:

    Sorry to hear the news! Good thing you have a cushion.

  2. my english castle Says:

    Ph Amer--I'm so sorry to hear that. Best wishes to you

  3. whitestripe Says:

    oh i'm sorry honey that really sucks.
    remember the best revenge is success. you will find a great job. i know how you feel about wanting to know.

  4. momcents Says:

    Glad to hear that you have a plan in place. So sorry to hear the news, though. Will you get severance?

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    I'm so sorry to hear that. Being layed off is awful, just know that it wasn't about you. You have good skills and will be an asset to another employer.

  6. Amber Says:

    He's giving me two weeks pay and I believe my vacation pay. I was so upset that after I heard I was being let go that I heard nothing else

  7. north georgia gal Says:

    I am so sorry to hear that! At least you have some saved and he is giving you severance! My boss(who is now very successful) was let go a couple of times many ions ago. He speaks of them as being liberated from the position and opportunities to create a new life. That is what you need to do. This of this as a liberation.

  8. Apprentice Fun-Frugalist Says:

    Agree with north georgia gal 100%

    Here's some Irish Luck coming your way !! :-)

    Keep your chin up !

  9. ceejay74 Says:

    Oh Amber, I'm so sorry. At least if you're getting severance it's a layoff, and no layoffs from this year are going to look bad on people's records; it's just an extraordinary time.

    I know you've got a good head on your shoulders and will get through this just fine, but feel free to vent on the blogs whenever you need to; we'll be here to listen. Smile

  10. MICLASON Says:

    The part about not knowing would bother me, too, but... this is a great opportunity in disguise, I'm sure! ((hugs))

  11. Brenda Says:

    So sorry to hear the news. I'd sure want to know why? Keep your chin up. You'll show them they made a bad decission. Sending lots of luck your way.

  12. kimiko Says:

    I know how you feel. That happened to me once. It's frustrating when the feedback on your work performance is terrific and then they make up some fake excuse to let you go. Hope you get another job soon.

  13. Petunia Says:

    Sorry to hear this! How weird. . . if it were me I'd hold on to North Georgia Gal's thoughts. Good for you for getting right on looking for a new job.

  14. Ima saver Says:

    I am so sorry to hear this, amber. Hugs to you!!

  15. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    May you have the pick of many better jobs--and soon!

  16. Blue Eyes Says:

    Amber, I'm so sorry to hear the news! Take care!

  17. asmom Says:

    Wow, I'm sorry to read this. Hold on, I'm hoping you'll bounce back soon!

  18. Amber Says:

    OMG thank you guys so much, I have been crying all day. And to know that my blog friends all care and can provide me a word of encouragement means soooo much to me. I check every so often to re-read NEW AND OLD post, it helps me to stop crying for a little

  19. cassandra Says:

    *Hugs!* I'm so sorry. I'd be pretty pissed off about not knowing exactly why I was laid off. I hope you find a new job soon and good luck on your future interviews!

  20. SnoopyCool Says:

    I'm sorry that happened, too. I also agree with n. ga. gal - go make something better! My DH was laid-off in October and has started a lawn business and it is much better (in so many ways) than his old job.

    Good luck!

  21. Aleta Says:

    Sorry to hear of the news BUT you are in a great field that needs people today. I know that something will come up from you. Like others have said there might be something out there better for you. Not all things that happen to us are bad. Sometimes they can become a blessing in disguise. Keep your head up.

  22. Phenomenal Woman Says:

    Yikes that is bad news. I would also be upset if I was not told the truth either. Hang in there.

  23. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Getting laid off is quite traumatic, I have been there wondering how in hell I was going to make it! Something will come along! Get out there and be proactive! Easy for me to say but you can do it!

    Amber, you are talented and intelligent! The folks that laid you off are the big losers. Keep your head up and your wits about you! Don't ever be down on yourself or wonder why you were let go. Move on and be successful!

    You can do it!!!WinkSmile

  24. Ralph Says:

    Ouch! Very sorry to hear this. But like others have said, we have faith in you that you can find something soon.

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