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Happy New Year and a n Update

January 2nd, 2014 at 01:57 am

Hello all!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year and fill you all in.

This year I graduated with a Masters in Human Resource Management, I was let go in October Frown Right after that I started Kelly's HR Services and enough I haven't gotten my first client, things are moving along. I was able to keep up with the 52 week challenge until November, only because I was let go.

I've applied for a ton of jobs and have been told I am over qualified or haven't gotten a call back. Long story short this was a great year, I can't complain.

I paid off a few credit cards, and only have 3 left Smile hopefully I will land a job or a few clients.

nothing else to report, hope everyone's holiday season was a joyous one.

2 Responses to “Happy New Year and a n Update ”

  1. Dido Says:

    Congrats on finishing the master's and I'm sorry about the job loss, but hopefully it will have a silver lining in getting you to a better fitting position. And great job on the debt pay-down. Happy New Year!

  2. Amber Says:

    Thanks Dido

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