I know that I'm new to this whole budgeting thing, but I'm a little annoyed. I budgeted $20 for one baby shower scheduled for tomorrow and totally forgot about the one for today.
During my FPU class, we were told that it will take about 90-days to get things right but for some reason this just bothers me.
I'd budgeted paying an extra $25 on CC 2 and now have to shift those funds for a gift. I guess I should be happy that I had the money to shift, but the CC debt is driving me nuts.
Yesterday was my first no spend day, in I don't know how long. And it felt good.
Today I'm at the salon. I decided to get my hair done every other week vs. every week. This saves me close to a $100 a month. In between those weeks, I color my hair for about $5 vs $15 and I also relax my hair for about $11 vs $50. Makes sense to do it myself than to pay her.
Lastly on a different note, I researched what my salary should be for what I do without a degree and it's between $54k and $70k. Now with a masters and my certification that range increases significantly. I've gone to my new boss for a raise, he said to wait and see what my old boss recommends. He too agreed that we, the team, deserves a raise. So I'll wait and see. If the salary increase isn't between 60-65 I'll be back looking.
September 30th, 2017 at 12:55 pm
September 30th, 2017 at 05:00 pm 1506787244
September 30th, 2017 at 06:58 pm 1506794305
September 30th, 2017 at 07:14 pm 1506795257
alary quirks...The research makes it clear that large jumps in salary are unusual for existing staff, it typically takes a leap to another organization to be paid certification + experience. Have you talked to a 'headhunter can be negotiated to make you all happy.
September 30th, 2017 at 11:30 pm 1506810613
October 2nd, 2017 at 12:14 am 1506899694