Home > Budgeting


September 30th, 2017 at 12:55 pm

I know that I'm new to this whole budgeting thing, but I'm a little annoyed. I budgeted $20 for one baby shower scheduled for tomorrow and totally forgot about the one for today.

During my FPU class, we were told that it will take about 90-days to get things right but for some reason this just bothers me.

I'd budgeted paying an extra $25 on CC 2 and now have to shift those funds for a gift. I guess I should be happy that I had the money to shift, but the CC debt is driving me nuts.

Yesterday was my first no spend day, in I don't know how long. And it felt good.

Today I'm at the salon. I decided to get my hair done every other week vs. every week. This saves me close to a $100 a month. In between those weeks, I color my hair for about $5 vs $15 and I also relax my hair for about $11 vs $50. Makes sense to do it myself than to pay her.

Lastly on a different note, I researched what my salary should be for what I do without a degree and it's between $54k and $70k. Now with a masters and my certification that range increases significantly. I've gone to my new boss for a raise, he said to wait and see what my old boss recommends. He too agreed that we, the team, deserves a raise. So I'll wait and see. If the salary increase isn't between 60-65 I'll be back looking.

5 Responses to “Budgeting ”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    I continually shift my budget, and I've been doing it for years! There will always be surprises; don't be hard on yourself.

  2. snafu Says:

    Salary quirks...The research makes it clear that large jumps in salary are unusual for existing staff, it typically takes a leap to another organization to be paid certification + experience. Have you talked to a 'headhunter can be negotiated to make you all happy.

  3. snafu Says:

    so sorry, computer is dropping & words sentences...trying again in hopes the problem solves itself...

    alary quirks...The research makes it clear that large jumps in salary are unusual for existing staff, it typically takes a leap to another organization to be paid certification + experience. Have you talked to a 'headhunter can be negotiated to make you all happy.

  4. snafu Says:

    trying one more time... It pains me to say but women as still paid less than male counterpoints for the same position and level of responsibility even in 'grid' organization where salary and benefits are education times years of experience. You can create a stronger base for salary/benefit negotiations if you have another organization expressing interest. I suggest seeing a headhunter [paid by hiring organizations] to assess employment possibilities. Sadly, flexible mobility is often a consideration. Median salaries are difficult to stick to because high COLA skew the numbers.

  5. rob62521 Says:

    You'll catch on...we all forget things and have to balance out in other ways, or something comes up. Hang in there!

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