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Computer Crashed

October 21st, 2017 at 01:57 am

Well looks like the computer crashed. When we turn it on the screen remains black. I've unplugged, restarted etc and nothing.

It's not in my budget and I'm not considering it an emergency so I won't be replacing it. I may just wait until Black Friday and search for a laptop, unless I start saving for one. Wal*Mart has laptops for less than $200. The good thing is, the job provides us a laptop that I can bring home, sign in and use a Google spread sheet to track my expenses. I'm going to miss the MS Money software I use for tracking spending, but the spread sheet will do until I get my own.

Normally I'd use the credit card and buy one but I refuse to go into debt when there is an alternative. Not sure what the fiancΓ© is going to do because he uses the computer to print his bills for clients. I'm sick of making a way, while going into debt. He needs to step up to the plate. I've told him I am not marrying him if he can't step up.

Different note, mom paid me back the money she owed me. She likes the idea of paying her bills online but doesn't know how to do so. Lol. So she tells me to pay the bill and gives me the money. No worries about her paying me back, she's great with money. So I added this $80 back to my checking account.

I purchased the last item through the checking account today, contacts. I'd budgeted $30 for contacts but it turns out they were $39. After I crunch the numbers, I'll have $57.98 cents left in my checking account. Not sure what I did because I created a zero balance budget and their shouldn't be anything left. Strange. Either way I'm transferring this to the EF, baby step 1.

Lastly, I got home really late. We have a wedding to attend so I'll be going to the salon tomorrow. I did budget this cost in. I'm in need of a hair cut and color, but there is no way am I going to spend almost $100 tomorrow. So I permed/relaxed my hair, and colored it. That's saving me about $35-$45. Tomorrow I'm estimating $60 for services, that will include the cut.

The wedding, I budgeted $50 as a cash gift but I'm going to check out their registry tonight to see if I can find items for about $25 total.

That's it for me right now.

2 Responses to “Computer Crashed ”

  1. Carol Says:

    Nice, frugal decisions!

  2. MonkeyMama Says:

    Amber, good for you. Making some tough decisions.

    You can get a pretty nice laptop in the $200 range, these days.

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