Home > MD's Appointment

MD's Appointment

August 4th, 2006 at 12:49 am

Well today I had the Colpscopy done, it wasn't as painfull as I thought it would be but I will not know anything until about the 17th Frown, However, just wanted to thank everyone for your prayers.Smile

Remember the $20.0 I was over charged at the MD's office, well the billing manager I spoke to On Tuesday had no clue, but I quickly reminded him I had a $20.00 credit and that I spoke with him and there was no way I was paying $40.00 well he straighten it out, seems like there is always a problem with him

2 Responses to “MD's Appointment”

  1. HouseHopeful Says:

    Sorry to hear you had to go through the colonoscopy. I recently had one done, so I know how nerve wracking it can be. I'm glad you made it through it ok, and I hope you hear good news soon!

  2. veronak Says:

    I am sorry House, but I actually had a Colposcopy a type of biopsy of the cervix not a colonoscopy Smile but thanks for the support

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