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Archive for November, 2024

What’s going on this week?

November 15th, 2024 at 11:41 am

Here’s what I’ve been up to this week. 


I received an unexpected bonus so I was able to throw a little extra at my student loan, once the payment hit, I would be below $25k owed and meeting my goal of paying at least $5k this year towards it. This interest is killing me though. 


I also paid an extra $60 towards my mortgage. I know Dave says not to do this, but it makes me feel good and keeps me motivated. 


Lastly I paid another $500 on the travel card. The interest is set to start in February, the goal is to have it paid off before then. 


I would have been able to pay a little more; however, I have to travel for a funeral of a good friend. 

Reduced my Cable/Internet

November 13th, 2024 at 12:26 pm

Reduced my internet and cable bill by $50. 


I initially cancelled my cable years ago; however, when I switched internet provider there was a special for limited cable. Well that special ended and my monthly bill went to $180 ridiculous. 


 Yesterday while calling for my mom, I decided to reduce my bill and had the rep to remove the limited cable service. My new internet bill is $129. My company reimburses me. 


I don’t know why but I feel as though things are going to get a little more expensive. 2025 is the year that I really want my student loans gone and any other debt I owe. I want to bump my savings as well. 

Student Loans - I See the Light

November 3rd, 2024 at 07:28 am

When I started my debt repayment journey, again πŸ™„πŸ€¦πŸΎ‍♀️, my biggest hurdle was my student loans.

I paid off student loans one and two during the pandemic, and consolidated three and four. Honestly, I couldn't see the light then,actually until now, I just couldn't imagine paying these loans off. 

After paying a $200 payment and seeing it finally hit my account three days later, yep three days it took while incurring $4.71 a day in interest, it finally hit me that I may get this thing paid off. 

My new balance is $25,024.24. I probably could have had this thing paid off sooner; however, I needed breaks. Mentally it's draining and depressing.

I've been saving for a car because my current car is 22 years old with almost 300k miles, I've also taken a few trips. Could I have forgone without the trips? Yes. Did my mental state require a break?  Yes, therefore I took a trip. 

Though I've come a long way, I still have a way to go. I'm just thankful that I realize, it is doable.