Home > Friday Ramblings

Friday Ramblings

April 11th, 2020 at 12:41 am

This has been a day from hell. I’ve literally spent four hours on the phone trying to decipher a law that consists of a 174 pages with our CEO.

Why she refuses to hire a lawyer only God knows why. When you calculate the hours spent by myself, her and other employees dealing with this particular problem, a lawyer would have guided us in less than 30 minutes for far less. It’s ridiculous.

I’ve been asking for counsel since I started at this place and with the new law in place I’m highly recommending it, even our CFO, is recommending and still there’s push back.

Every professional even friends who are attorneys are recommending we seek counsel.

In financial news, apparently under this new Act, government student loans are automatically stopped. My intentions were to pay even though there would be a zero percent interest rate. Now I’ll just throw it at CC10. I’m so confused about what I should do but I guess this was my sign to just pay the CC off. Fingers crossed that this credit card is gone by June

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