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Pretty Good Day

September 24th, 2006 at 03:42 am

I sat around today until it was time for me to go to work and then when I got here the first 2 hours were like Grand Central Station. I forgot today was a holiday weekend and every cotton head in the building was out (lol)and then it finally died down where I could get some studying done. Wow but atleast I was able to kick back until 2pm and just relax...basically spend no money today

Just enjoying the day

September 23rd, 2006 at 04:42 pm

Today is such a beautiful day here in sunny Fl. But I am just relaxing before work I did not even go to Publix like I normally do so I saved on gas Smile I have been in my pj's all morning, wow it feels so nice. BUt I have to head out to work later and I guess I will be studying and practing my lab assignments for Thursday . So basically I am enjoying everything around me until then


September 23rd, 2006 at 02:13 am

When ever I log in from my notebook, I do not get all the icons from the site (this one) I find it to be strange because if I use another computer everything comes up. Maybe I need to reset some things I will see

I missed you guys

September 15th, 2006 at 11:20 pm

I have not been on the site in a while (a week) I have so much to post but I just wanted to share that my boss gave me $60.00 out of the blue today Smile and I am using the money to pay down the cc so once I deposit it a payment will be made. That was really nice

$22.00 Wasted

September 11th, 2006 at 01:36 am

Well I went to BestBuy today in order to get a cover for my laptop which cost me about $22.00 well I was rushing to get to work and took it out my car (the cover) Well between my car and punching in I dropped the cover and no one has turned it in Frown I have not even used it yet and plus I am out $22.00 Now I will wait to buy another one and only carry the notebook on the weekends tp my part-time job. I really wich who ever found would have been honest and turned it in

Cancelled AOL

September 9th, 2006 at 04:26 am

I just cancelled my aol dial up since now I have verizon broadband and they gave me the option of keeping my email address SmileI am so glad I got my laptop and Microsoft Access set up that way I can work on my lab assignments for class at the part-time job. Verizon will cost me an extra $25.00 but I am thinking about cancelling my home phone service since I have the cell phone, we'll see..that would actually save me about $26.00. The only reason why I don't is because when a hurricane hit we can not use the cell phone Frown

$158... I got it

September 5th, 2006 at 01:09 am

Well I got my money back from BestBuy, I am s happy Smile I like my little notebook and am having fun playing around with it. Tomorrow i will get the wireless service from Verizon and cancel my AOL account. Now I have to purchase the Access software in order to practice my lab assignments. I will be checking out Ebay

Laptop Issue

September 4th, 2006 at 10:26 pm

Well I got up bright and early and went to BestBuy to get my money back ( 10am) Anyhow I was told it would take an hour to do a recovery on my computer since they installed Office 2003 and need to remove it, well it has been 7 hours later and still no call so I call them and was told they were on disc 3 now I have done recoveries before most it has ever taken was 2.5 hours I can not understand why 7 hours later it still has not been completed as of yet and still no phone call

Happy Holiday

September 4th, 2006 at 05:50 am

Just wanted to wish every one a happy holiday and stay safe

Thought you might be interested

September 3rd, 2006 at 05:43 am

I just got this in my inbox and thought this is great and wanted to share:

Good 'Til The Last Squeeze!

There is a product available from many art supply companies
called the "Tube Wringer." This device, intended for artists,
allows you to squeeze every last drop from metal or plastic
tubes. It's not only useful for saving paint, but also for
using up the last bits of toothpaste, medications, cosmetics,
etc. It sells for around $10. I've had mine for over ten years
now, and it's still going strong, squeezing my toothpaste tube
to the last dollop!

Just wondering

September 2nd, 2006 at 03:57 pm

I am wondering how much my credit score will jump since I've had 1 bad debt completely removed, paid down 1 cc to less than half the credit limit and the other one is less than 25% of the credit limit. I am hoping atleast 20 points which would mean a lot to me, especially since the end of next year I would like to try and buy a house. My goal is to be debt free by December and sock away all checks except from my part-time job ( I plan on living off this check for 1 year). I figured I would save close to $20,000 by doing this, if I includ tax returns and X-mas bonuses

$174.05 Electric Bill

August 29th, 2006 at 04:15 am

Darn! my eletric bill this month is $174.05 Frown I just don't get it. I really can't complain to my uncle who leaves his TV on all night and day because my mom gets upset if anyone says anything to him and I can't call the electric company to have them check as why it is so high because it is in my mom's name, and she is old set in her ways and questions nothing. The agreement when I moved back home is that I would pay the water, cable and light bill.. All I can say is darn, I took the money out of my personal account because I wanted to pay the bill before the storm hits in case I am unbale to pay online and payday is not until Thursday, grant it if he deos the payroll

Day 1: No Spending

August 29th, 2006 at 03:32 am

Welll I am happy I did not spend a cpin today but I am sure I will tomorrow I have to pick a few things for the storm, not much because I have been stocking up.

Down graded

August 29th, 2006 at 03:30 am

I am not happy that we will experience a storm, but I am happy that ernesto will not be a hurricane when it hit the southeast coas of FL Smile All day I was worried, I still am but am a little relieve better a TS than a hurricane any day

It's official : Ernesto will be a hurricane

August 28th, 2006 at 08:04 pm

Looks like we are going to be in the middle of storm. The stores are a mad house, I am so glad I started early. However, I need to get gas and ice tonight which I am sure will be a nightmare.

Frugal or Cheap

August 24th, 2006 at 03:52 pm

I don't since the new year I have had this thing where I do not want to spend any money. Yesterday I wanted to get a few tnk tops ( I have $274.00 for myself) but I could not bring myself to spend the few dollars am I getting to the point where I am just cheap or frugal. I simply hate spending money, basically on anything...I get so annoyed

Lending Money

August 18th, 2006 at 07:36 pm

This was posted on the Dollar Stretcher and just thoutght I would share. My sister did this to me once, cried how she was behind on the mortage (at the time she stayed in my mom's house ) I lent her the money and she never paid me back. It wasn't until I turned 18 and we moved into the house that my mom told me my sister stayed there for 7 years and paid the very first and only mortage payment
(she was late) Can you believe it 7 years rent free and then she had the nerve to file the taxes:

Lesson Learned

As most of us were told, "never a lender nor a borrower be."
However, I stupidly lent money to someone whom I thought I
knew well and could trust. In fact, I loaned two and a half
thousand dollars, as she told me she was going to lose her
home. Four years later, she has failed to honor that agreement
and I now know for a fact that she does not now nor has she
ever owned the home she professed to be about to lose. And I
found out too late that she does have a severe gambling
problem and a problem with telling the truth. I have offered
to support her in her gambling addiction and was laughed at.

I am so deeply saddened that someone I trusted has turned out
to be a person of such little integrity. So little that she
tried to get me to pay for her brother's funeral when he died
recently in a tragic accident. Some people will do anything to
feed their habit.

Please learn from my lesson, and do not lend money to anyone,
regardless of their circumstances. They are adults who must
take responsibility for their own situation. This has been a
horrible learning experience for me. One that I will never
make again.

Glad today is a new day

August 16th, 2006 at 01:29 pm

Well when I left work yesterday at 12 it turned out to be the day from H***
1st I went to my part-time job to discuss the hours I was short and there was no where to park,so I got rained on. Then I went out to the school and the girl at the school bank had me waiting for about 20 minutes for no reason. Next I witness an accident looking for the was just a crazy day. I hope today is much better, it should be since the boss is out Smile

A lot of running around today

August 15th, 2006 at 02:48 pm

Boy to I have a lot to do today, first I have to go to my second job and make changes to my direct deposit, next I am going to take my dad his meds then pick up my books for school; $280.00 worth (unless my friend has the same computer books, cross your fingers). Last, I have to go out to the college and take my picture ID Frown finding a place to park there is a nightmare, actually finding anything there is a nightmare

Bandits strike again

August 14th, 2006 at 10:54 pm

Once again cars in our neighborhood were tagged...all but ours. I got home late last night and my room light was on that's what makes me think that's why they past us up again. The last time I was up to about 1 am. It's terrible because I know it's kids and we have never had this problem before. I hope someone catches them in the act ASAP. Poor lady next door just got her car back about two weeks ago from the previous incident. They spray painted her car so bad, her radiator needed to be replace along with the front grill. Like who has moeny to keep paying the deductible to have your car repaired and not only that if it keeps up I know rates will go up

Rain Rain go Away

August 14th, 2006 at 04:47 pm

I am so glad that I bring lunch to work it is pouring down raining...everyone else is trying to firgure out what to do about lunch. I jus thopw it stops for a few minutes in order for me to get my books out of the looks like a hurricane is approaching

Payday is this week

August 14th, 2006 at 03:25 am

As you all know my boss takes his time when it comes to payday and he is out of town until Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on what day he returns we will get paid two days after he does the payroll Frown So I went through what needed to be paid and I can honestly say only 4 bills are actually due I am debating if I should add to any savings this pay period or pay down my debt I have thus far when payday arrives an extra $452.00 after I have allotted the following for bills/svg:
$75.00 EF
$30.00 Misc
$20.00 Ira
$20.00 Tithes
$100.00 cehcking 1 (for misc bills that may arise)
$20.00 Peronal account
$43.00 C-phone 1
$67.00 Cable
$12.00 BCBS (dental)
$69.00 CC2 ( I charged my classes which will not be due until Septembr leaving me with a balance of $243.00)
So I would have added $245.00 to savings and $191 for bills

What a day

August 13th, 2006 at 03:51 am

I got so much done today and like I posted before I spent no money Smile
But it was a great day; first I washed and colored my hair (much needed) the last time I went to the beauty shop was in June and the time before was in November this is good for me because I use to go twice a week (50.00 a week). Then I washed my car, it has been about 6 months since I last washed it Frown that took a while. Next I got a much needed nap before heading off to my part-time job so in all every thing worked out today. I hope I can make it to day 7 without spending any money. I would like to get a newspaper but I think I will pass

Blogging has helped

August 10th, 2006 at 02:51 pm

Since I have started blogging and keeping track of every dime spent, I realize it is nice to see my savings and personal accounts grow. It actually feels really good. I have tried to introduce my friend but she has failed to launch. This is more like therapy, I know I have a way to go but at least it is a start. CC's are paid, money is in the bank, I am contributing to my IRA on a regular basis and will increase that amount within the next few yes I feel real goos

"Weeping Willows Dance"

August 9th, 2006 at 11:53 pm

That is the name of the book I just finished by Gloria Mellett. It's one of the best books I have read in a long time, I cried then laughed with each page. It's one of those books that should be a movie on Lifetime. I loved it.

Cleaning Up Credit

August 6th, 2006 at 04:59 pm

As you all know I am in the process of cleaning up my credit. I have mailed letters right and left trying to get things removed, well I just got two letters returned from companies that ran my credit report without my consent and now I have to write a letter to Equifax asking that they remove this inquiry. Boy is it sure easy messing up your credit but it's like pulling teeth to fix it. Once I get thismess straighten out I am going to stay on top of my credit. If I knew then what I know now

Who says you need "new" chlothes

August 2nd, 2006 at 03:15 am

I read an article a while ago on this very topic. It stated that we all have something in our closets in which we have not worn in a long time, and if you are a shopaholic or some one who likes clothes (that's me) just put something on that you have not worn in awhile. Well I tried this and guess what it really was very felt like I actually had on new clothes (sad I know). My brother who works for waste management always find clothing items, well I washed upped pair of pants ironed them really well, found a shirt that I have not worn in about 3 years and that's what I'll wear to work Smile I am so proud of myself and am thankful for all the great posts of support. Can you believe it I have not went to a mall in months and I only spent about $10.00 last week at a thrift store.

Goals for August

August 2nd, 2006 at 02:21 am

I actually I only have 2 goals for August, 1 is to get CC1 paid atleast by half the balance and back into to school I took the summer off so hopefully I'll be back full force and ready to roll in the Fall.

It's starting

August 1st, 2006 at 10:16 pm

Well we have our first name storm of the season T. Charles, pray for us that it dissipates before hitting anyone Frown
I am just glad that I have been hurricane shopping for the last few months

Wow what a day

July 30th, 2006 at 03:04 am

Wow did my day start out terrible, first the guys came really early to start our roof and being up late last night was know help. Then I went to library and the DVD I wanted was still not returned (12 days late) Then I was unable to wash clothes because I line dry and since the guys were out doing the roof they had stuff every where. Next I took a nap before heading off to work; I was unable to iron because the outlet was not working so I had to decide on something else. Next I used the little girl’s room and was washing my hands (I did not have my glasses on) but I heard this water dripping sound...the toilet over flowed. Then I went into the other bathroom turned on the show and that toilet start to back up. Ok now it is getting close for me to go to work, go by dad’s to take shower, he's not home; next off to my sister’s they’re not home, go by my aunt’s, guess what she is not home go over to my friends my mom house she's not home luckily as I was about to pull off my showed up and I was able to shower. As I am leaving and half way home I realize I can not see...left my glasses darn. So now you know what kind of day I had

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