Home > Eating out...simply not in the budget

Eating out...simply not in the budget

April 14th, 2006 at 09:55 pm

I am sitting here at our other office starving, I am a little upset because I bought breakfast this morning $2.12. Now I just bought a pizza because I was too lazy to pack snacks spending $13.19 a total of $15.31 for the day, way more than I wanted to spend and I budgeted $0 for eating out Frown
However at least I was able to add $3.81 to my challenge money bringing my total to $241.35. Rather than rounding to the nearest dollar I am now rounding a little differently adding way more money to my $20.00 challenge/new house money since I am definitely cutting back on the spending
I am upset that money was spent but at the same time glad I did because I have not added anthing to my challenge for a while

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