Home > The Pardner

The Pardner

May 19th, 2006 at 12:34 pm

Well my family and I has this thing we call the "Parnder" each week one will set a side a certain amount of money, let's just say $25.00 and at some point you get your draw (the amount you put into it) Well now it is coming to an end and since hurricane season is rolling around I will be unable to do way I am glad because atleast I can earn interest on the money that I would have been putting in, the only sad part is I won't get the draw or a big lump sum right away. Don't get me wrong becuase I was never one to save and this helped me to save for my car insurance. But to make a long stroy short I decided to transfer those funds weekly to my ING account..hopefully I will keep up with it. Starting from next week to December 31st I should have $650.00 + interest

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