Home > Aluminum Cans

Aluminum Cans

May 20th, 2006 at 01:21 am

Once again you guys gave me a new idea, I think now I am going to save all soda cans and turn them in. I drink a lot of oda and figured I'd better get some of my money back. I 'll have to research as to where I can turn them in and how much per pound ( Iwonder if it will be worth it) but I will add what ever I get to my challenge money

2 Responses to “Aluminum Cans”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Cans in Oregon are well worth the effort...When you buy pop or beer you pay a $.05 per can/bottle they are each worth $.05 when turned in.

    Good luck with the aluminum hunt!

  2. lrjohnson Says:

    I recycle aluminum, glass and PET plastic for money (I recycle everyhting else too, I just don't get money for it). It really does add up, I'm averaging about $6 a month, and we don;y have that many bottles and cans. At work I collect my co-workers bottles-if your workplace doesn't have a formal recycling plan you might consider that. I crush the cans, and that is a huge space savings. (If I only collected the money recycling items I could go once a quarter.)

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