Home > Extra funds and debt

Extra funds and debt

May 22nd, 2006 at 10:51 pm

The money I set aside for the challenge I was actually using/saving towards a new home, but I think once I get to the $500.00+ mark and my brother pays me back I am just going to take the entire amount and pay off my high interest cc (30%) Frown
Since I have the part time job now, I will be able to fund it very quickly and I am still depositing $25.00 a week. That way I figure I would be saving a lot more. Right now I owe about $1200.00 on the cc and my brother owes me $465.00 so I figure with in the next couple of weeks it should be paid. Hopefully he will pay me with in the next couple of weeks, this is the first time that he has not paid me right away so I figure he must be strapped. I am not complaining because in the mean time I will continue to add to the challenge but atleast I know this CC will be paid in full no later than June 15th that is my goal. Even if he deosn't pay me back I'll have two checks by then from my part-time job of about $425.00

1 Responses to “Extra funds and debt”

  1. robex Says:

    Sounds like a good goal to me!

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