Home > Used Items

Used Items

May 23rd, 2006 at 04:06 am

I don't know how some of you feel about used items, but my brother who works for a waste management company found/pick up
at dumps in "rich areas" anyway he gave me some of the items he found really nice..I washed them then sent them to the cleaners. I was able to get really nice summer shorts and tops and some old winter jackets/blazers. It's like shopping with out the spending. But what amazes me is that so many people out there need these clothes and people with money just dump them in the trash when it's out of style or they simply don't want. Sad

5 Responses to “Used Items”

  1. lrjohnson Says:

    I think these rescued clothes are the best kind. When I worked retail I realized how many people try on clothes; now it makes me laugh when people don't want previously worn clothes, because there is a good chance someone did have on what they bought, even if just for two minutes.

  2. Carolina Bound Says:

    How much better that those nice clothes will be on you instead of in the landfill! Good for your brother and you!

  3. veronak Says:

    Lrjohnsn, youare so right I never thought about how many people actually try on clothes

  4. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I think it is wonderful when a) You are able to keep something out of a landfill b) you can put it to good use and c) it ends up being FREE... a true example of the moon and the stars aligning! Big Grin All kidding aside, GOOD FOR YOU for seeing the value in this frugal form of 'shopping' !!!

  5. contrary1 Says:

    My dad used to say he had picked up his 'finds' at the Midnight Store. (he frequently worked swing shift & would be coming home at midnight.........)

    He would pick up things people had set out for trash pick up at this time......found some amazing things!

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