Home > Blessed


June 3rd, 2006 at 12:51 am

I must say I am blessed and sometimes I do forget. Got my first paycheck today from the part-time job...$228.94 and was able to give $20.00 for Tithes because I am thankful. I was not looking for a part-time job and my sister gave my name to her boss at her part-time job (same place) and I was hired. Then a week later I was told I need a new car; so guess what the money I make here will be used towards car payments once I get a car, so yes I am blessed. Then I transferred $8.31 to the challenge giving me a new total of $737.04 placed $150.00 in the EF leaving me with $50.00 for myself. Boy, am I thankful

1 Responses to “Blessed”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    and you are doing great! I hope you find a reliable car with very affordable payments!! Smile

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