Home > Darn interest rate

Darn interest rate

June 21st, 2006 at 12:23 am

Well I was trying to beat the CC interest rate and pay off my cc at $406.00 but no such luck. My billing cycle ended 6/19 one day late so it cost me $411.13 to pay off this cc but atleast it is paid. So now I am down from $3302.44 in CC debt to $2895.54 which I am sure will be more than that because of the interest accrued but my goal is to have them paid off by August and then I can really start saving for me a house and a car(thank goodness my car is still running). I do see what every one means by paying off cc first, what sense does it make to earn 4.75 or less in a savings account when I am being charged 18%+ on CC debt. So I am glad I am able to pay off off my debt. With out God , you guys and my part-time job I would probably not be even close to debt free or home ownership the way I am now
Thanks Smile

2 Responses to “Darn interest rate”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    One more cc bites the dust. Way to go!!!

  2. ima saver Says:

    Good going!!

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