Home > Where did time go

Where did time go

June 21st, 2006 at 02:24 am

Wow 10 more days and the month is over. I decided to check out my spending for the month and here it is, time and money sure goes fast:

Federal Income Tax: $182.08
SS tax: $116.49
Medicare tax:$27.25
Sales tax: $9.91
Personal care: $56.32
Clothing $46.11
Groceries: $126.70
Charitable Donations: $40.00
Dining Out: $39.45
Gas: $38.01
Auto Maintenance:$27.27
Hurricane Supplies:$19.10
Leisure: $29.67
CC Debt: $1843.21 Smile
Bills (water, Electric Cable etc)$443.52
Gifts: $33.21
$349.77 Misc
Total: $3464.55

Wow, but atleast 5 CC are paid

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