Home > $150.00 Bed

$150.00 Bed

June 23rd, 2006 at 11:08 pm

I had a queen size bed that I bought from a friend for $100.00 when I moved I placed all my things in my sisters garage well she gave my newphew my bed and after she did called me and ask me if I wanted it, can you believe it. Well another friend is selling hers for $150.00 right now I do not need a bed at this point (until I move) but hers is practically new, she bought it and basically moved in with her b-friend so this has been at her place basically unused. Being that I will be trying to buy me a place next year I am wondering if I should go ahead and purchase this bed and set it to the side explaining to my sister do not touch. Matter of fact I have to go over there this weekend and wrap my sofa because she has a new dog and I am sure she is not taking care of my stuff, allowing her dod to jump all over my sofa but that is the price you pay I guess. I will be see if she will come down on the price to $125.00, for the bed that is and pick it up next week (payday)

3 Responses to “$150.00 Bed”

  1. Joe Wenzel Says:

    Since you paid $100 for the bed your sister gave away without your permission, have her pay $75 towards the new bed you're going to buy (I'd say have her pay $100 towards it but I'll say $25 of that would have been her fee for storing your bed). Or let your nephew know, hey, there's your Christmas/Birthday present for the year - enjoy. Otherwise you just lost $100.

  2. Joe Wenzel Says:

    Since you paid $100 for the bed your sister gave away without your permission, have her pay $75 towards the new bed you're going to buy (I'd say have her pay $100 towards it but I'll say $25 of that would have been her fee for storing your bed). Or let your nephew know, hey, there's your Christmas/Birthday present for the year - enjoy. Otherwise you just lost $100 for nothing.

    Joe W

  3. veronak Says:

    Unfortuantely it's been over a year since she gave him the bed

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