Home > Dining out adds up

Dining out adds up

July 5th, 2006 at 07:21 pm

I was so proud of myself for not eating out but today I did, $3.26 at Dunkin Donuts. All because I was too lazy to get up earlier. Now I have to add $3.00 to the challenge matching what I spent as well as .71, rounding up the change

New total :$245.81

2 Responses to “Dining out adds up”

  1. debra Says:

    anytime you can save eating out is a reward in itself. anytime you can save money its a credit to your ability as a financial Quiz has just begon.

  2. debra Says:

    anytime you can save eating out is a reward in itself. anytime you can save money its a credit to your ability as a financial wiz is just beginning.

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