Home > Arrrgh!!!!!!!


July 6th, 2006 at 07:16 pm

Just viewed cc1 statement and I was charged $77.33 fianance charge and .14 finance charge from a cash advance I did years ago, actually when I first got the card you would think it would have been paid by now. Then I was charged twice by Krispy Kreme $5.99 so when I get the statement I will dispute.
Then there was an extra charge of 9.95 for AOL being the nice friend that I am I added a friend to my aol account as a user so because we both can't be online at the same time she added this service, well I call her up about the money and she thinks it is funny and will bring me the money so she says but I know I wont I am cancelling this service
Now my previous balance was $2690.32
Now it it is $2715.47 a difference of $25.15

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